Scott Laughlin
  • Omaha, NE
  • United States
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  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II
  • Jay Bannister
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At 4:46am on June 18, 2021, Michael Mccarthy said…


My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on ( ) for full details.

Michael Mccarthy.

At 2:50pm on November 9, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
Well as long as you are rebuilding the firewall, cabin floor, nose gear, rudder etc... might as well tear apart the wings and build an RV / XL , huh? What a load of organic fertilizer. I don't expect that many of the completed and flying XLs are going to be modified. What do you think about all this? I know, let's just strap ZBAG guys under the plane to soften the impact when we crash!

My dad and I taunted death and flew to Deridder for a fly-in Saturday. Give us half a chance and we will fly up to Natchitoches this Saturday for their air festival too. That's me boy, just like John Wayne in The Sands of Iwo Jima.... I ain't got time to bleed.

At 2:00pm on October 26, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
I heard from a friend that Jay Bannister's string of bad luck has continued. Somewhere near Midlothian another guy was flying his "Lil Bruiser" and had to land it off-field. No serious injury to the guy according to what I heard, but the nose gear folded. I'm sure you have a clear mental image of the rest of that story.

Hope to see you soon,

At 6:12pm on October 18, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
I finished the forty hours today and I'm looking forward to fly-ins, airshows, and pancake breakfasts around the state. I also hope to visit some builders who are in neighboring states within reach. Rest assured, vigilance and continued tweaking are still on the agenda.

At 6:56am on June 28, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
I need to do some work with the Lafayette Mode C airspace so that it will become familiar. right now the priority is to get the engine as happy as possible. Having to watch it so closely and babysit it takes a lot of attention. When that task lessens, I'll be able to move on.

We'll just keep the pressure on the evil empire unti they fall.

At 7:59pm on June 27, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
Hey Scott, I've come to the conclusion that it's you me and Gig Giacona against the dark side of the force. Then again, we seem to have them on the ropes at the moment. Let's keep the pressure on them; they have nothing but negativity and that wears thin.

At 11:45am on May 11, 2009, Floyd E. Gantt said…
Welcome to Texas, great video of landing in MacAlister, Ok. We have good flying weather almost year round and the heat is not that bad. Long days make good early morning and late afternoon flying. Midway has a great strip. I was renting a Super Cruiser at GP and did a lot of practice takeoff and landings. The Crusier is the closes Sport Plane to the CH 650 I'm building.
At 12:10pm on February 13, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
Nice smooth fly-by Scott. What was the wind like that day? Also good to see the smooth low G pull-up at the end.

At 9:41am on January 16, 2009, Robert Carlson said…
I enjoyed your posts on the matronics list while we were building. Building from plans only is huge - great Job!

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