Purchase Your Combo Dinner Tickets - Open Hangar Days 2016

The addition of new activities and two full days for the 25th Annual Open Hangar Days at Zenith Aircraft also brings two dinners. There will be a  banquet dinner on Friday, September 23, 2016 at the Elks Lodge and a BBQ dinner at the Zenith factory on Saturday, September 24, 2016. Purchase your combo (both days of event) dinner tickets here

Jack Pelton, Experimental Aircraft Association CEO, will be the featured guest speaker at the Friday night banquet dinner. This informal buffet dinner gathering of Zenith enthusiasts, builders & pilots gives the opportunity for fellow Zenith builders and flyers to meet and get to know one another while enjoying dinner and fun entertainment. 

We will have a Zenith trivia game show on Friday for everyone to participate in this year with prizes. Cash bar opens at 5:00 pm at the Elk's Lodge (close to the Zenith factory). Click here to view photos from past Open Hangar events. 

New to the 2016 Zenith Open Hangar Days event is the addition of a BBQ dinner starting at 5:00 pm on Saturday at the Zenith factory. The barbecuing will be done throughout the day at the factory by Jonnie O's Catering and will offer the choice between BBQ baby back ribs or boneless pork chops, including sides items & dessert.

The awards ceremony for the winners of the various contests throughout the day on Saturday will also be presented during the meal. Click here for more photos of past Open Hangar activities.

Lunch will also be provided at the Zenith factory on both days of the event by Steinman's Catering. We look forward to having everyone join us for two full days of fun! For more information about the event or to order your tickets by phone contact us at 573.581.9000.

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