About three weeks ago I installed 30 vg's from Zenith Aircraft on the elevator of my 701,they were installed according to the information on a blog on Sebastien's page.They were installed with the front of the vg's on a line 120mm in front of the rivets in the elevator spar.They were installed with a 3M tape used to put emblems on vehicles,the backing is pulled off the tape and the vg is stuck to the tape.When you pull the vg up the adhesive stays on the vg,then it can be stuck to the aircraft.If you desire you can pull the vg off and roll the adhesive up with your fingers,any left will clean up easily.Now to the flying.Before the vg's I would fly final at 50 mph and low power into short fields with 1 notch of flaps( all I have) wait to the last minute to raise the nose,the plane would buffet and quit flying this is fine if you didn't raise the nose to high.The first landing into my grass strip with the vgs I came in over 40' trees idle power,flew it to the ground and hauled back on the elevator,it flaired no buffet and even floated down the strip a short distance and sat down, I knew right then this was going to be a useful mod.I now have about a dozen landings and have been able to lower my approach speed to 45 mph with a low power setting chopping the power to flair and no buffet.I also did some slow flight with 1 notch of flaps with about 3500 rpm's on the 912 and it was indicating in the 20's hanging on and still flying.These vg's really enhance the performance of a already great STOL aircraft.I am going to drill and rivet the VG's on when I get the time.I will continue to test and relearn the aircraft at slow speeds. JOHN BROOKER CH701 N153SJ ser# 5725

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Comment by GENE MAYO on June 13, 2009 at 4:17pm
hello john: good to see you on the zenith blogs. i should be able to start my engine next week. getting there slowly. take care, just wanted to say hi.
601XL 601SX
Comment by Sebastien Heintz on June 12, 2009 at 9:53am
Great report! Thanks.

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