We are trying to install the Ray Allen position sensor for the flap.  We have the linear motor and the Ray Allen sensor which moves 1.2 inch.  Has anyone out there installed this combination, and could you share a description and pictures?  We know the flap arm travels 52mm but the sensor only travels 30mm.

We have the wiring ok to the panel indicator.

thanks, Wes & Lurlene Bressler

601XLB with Jabiru 3300


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Comment by Wes & Lurlene Bressler on March 2, 2011 at 9:26pm
Thank you for all your help. We followed your example and it works very well also. Great piece of work. Wes
Comment by Dave Gardea on February 28, 2011 at 7:08am

Thanks Tracy .. I basically copied the approach that Phil used. (thanks Phil) But here's another pic if it's helpful. Regards, Dave


Comment by Phill Barnes on February 28, 2011 at 2:50am


Also be careful when measuring the travel on the Ray Allen Pos sensors. There is an amount of travel that is dead at both extremities. I measured mine with the LED indicator wired and activated. That is why I have the three holes for fine tuning so as soon as the flap starts and stops moving it is imediately visible on the indicator. You probably don't need to be so precise as you can always look out the bubble but I thought what the heck, it is there to do a job so it may as well be calibrated properly.


Hope I am helping.


Comment by Phill Barnes on February 28, 2011 at 1:34am

I added a picture to the bottom of my previous message. I don't know why it is not appearing. Here goes again.


Template for measuring flap travel made from card or thick paper.


Comment by Phill Barnes on February 28, 2011 at 1:19am

Hi Wes & Lurlene

Below I have copy and pasted a page from my website.  http://www.mykitlog.com/ch601xl

If you look very closely you will see that I drilled three holes in the flap arm to allow me to fine tune the

travel required for the sensor. Do yourself a favour and use a cobalt drill to drill these small holes in 4130.

If you cut a notch near one end in a piece of card or paper so that it sits over the flap tube, you can mark the

back edge of the flap arm onto it. Then apply full flap and mark the back edge of the flap arm again. Take your piece of card to the bench and mark up the lines drawn in 5mm incriments and find the correct travel. Then you can get back up inside the belly hatch and mark and drill your holes. This system will save your back


Made a bracket from .025" to mount the Ray Allen POS12 sensor on.
Used pushrod and clevises designed for large scale model aircraft.

Pushrod is a 4-40 threaded rod with nylon clevises

Pushrod is a 4-40 threaded rod with nylon clevises





Comment by Tracy Buttles on February 27, 2011 at 10:37pm

look at  Dave Gardea  pics on here. he has a pic of the setup on his



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