Are you flying into Oshkosh?
EAA Homebuilt Parking is reserving the same parking spaces as we had last year for us, just north of the Homebuilders Headquarters and north of the Cannon Camera viewing stand. Again, we are near the Zenith factory display.
Follow the NOTAMS for the signage needed to park your plane. Please print another sign with the word ZENITH on it. The volunteers parking the planes will guide you to the reserved Zenith row.
Unfortunately, EAA will not provide a separate parking spot for Zenith Homebuilt Camping. But they said if there is enough interest and if there is someone who would get there early enough to get a spot in the back, and if you know how many people would like to camp together, they will make arrangements to accommodate us. It would be interesting to know how many people will be sleeping under their wings with their Zeniths this year! If you plan to, please let me know and we will see if there is enough interest.
Don't forget to confirm your banquet spot right away. Seating is limited and you need to confirm as soon as you can. You can get information at the Zenith display. Jon Croke is donating 3 Zenair Archive CDs ($49 each) for the dinner.  These disks have the entire Zenair Newsletter collection in .PDF format for easy searching thru all of the past years of the Newsletter. Thanks Jon!
See you in Oshkosh!
Joe in Oshkosh

Views: 190


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Comment by Ron Lendon on July 13, 2012 at 10:23pm
I plan on being there, Brodhead first, then OSH. Camping with tent.
Comment by Tim Garrett on July 11, 2012 at 5:09pm
I'll be there with N360TM. Save me a spot for Monday morning.
Comment by Geoffrey Alexander on July 11, 2012 at 7:55am

Hello Joe;

I will be bringing my 640 to OSH again this year and would like to park in the Zenith parking area.

See you there.

Geoffrey Alexander









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