Just wondering if anyone has used plain old methylated spirits to thin the cortec primer, had a quick look on the web and from what I read it's a form of denatured alchohol.  I ask this as I went to my local bunnings thinking I could get some denatured alchohol and they did not sell it.   

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Hey Jacob.  I dont know if you have a Fleet Farm by you, but thats where I get mine.  I also thinks the Home Depot has it.
Isn't the Cortec thinned with tap water?
I have used denatured alcohol with good results...it speeds up the drying process
I've used both water and denatured alcohol. The alcohol works better, but both work.
Hi Jacob!  I have used denatured alchohol with good results and purchase it a Home Depot in 1 qt. cans.

Caleb recommended just plain 'ole water. I honestly don't remember if he said to use distilled or not, but that's what I use and it works fine. Seems to dry pretty fast, but Caleb told me it's perfectly OK to assemble treated mating surfaces with the Cortec still wet.


If parts are assembled while Cortec is still wet, they will be more difficult to take apart, should the need arise.

Isn't that what Cortec is for ... to glue the parts together???   Just Kidding!

Of course, you're correct - it is sticky if not dry before assembly. In the rare instance where I had to separate two parts that were mated wet and then dried, it was no big deal to slide a thin dull blade (metal putty knife) between them to non-destructively separate them - no damage to the parts whatsoever. But I certainly agree I'd let it dry first if I even thought I'd be separating the parts again!


thanks guys


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