Q&A - Zodiac 601XL -650 for the latest upgrade drawings of November 24 2009

This Q&A is for the upgrade kit of the Zodiac 601XL & 650 based on drawings of Nov. 24, 2009 and AMD Safety Alert of November 7. 2009

New drawings:
Nov. 24, 2009: We've updated the draft Drawings 6-ZU-1, 6-ZU-2, 6-ZU-3 and 6-ZU-4, and LAA Aileron Balance.

For very detailed questions (or if you must complain or vent), email me at newplane@gmail.com

Please post all your questions on the last page.

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A very good idea guys and mutually beneficial in restoring both the organisations' reputation and the potential resale value and assurance associated with the aircraft. Thanks for developing the modifications.
Reviewing the new drawings I see no specific information on how to install the wing locker door (XL). Inasmuch as the top spar angle is 5.4 mm wider than the one being replaced, there are issues of hinge fit, door dimensions and how to deal with the new spar angle protruding into the locker opening. Are you leaving that for us to figure out on our own or will there be guidance from Zenith?

During the evaluation of the aircraft was there any review of the horizontal stabilizer attachment brackets? Seems to me that they are another area that could stand to be beefed up.

Tim Juhl
I discussed the wing locker area in the old Q&A and hope that we will have time to add a drawing for this. The best recommendation that I have hear to date is: The hinge should be moved back (rear of the "L" extrusion) where it can be riveted to a new 0.025 aluminum sheet that is riveted to the "L" extrusion (where the rear top fuselage skin was - in front of the door hinge). The baggage door would have to be cut, rear of the piano hinge. Chris has not issues with this installation as the new "L" extrusion significantly beefs up that whole area.

We have not seen any issues with the tail area of the aircraft. A few customers have reported "smoking rivets" in the stab. attachments to fuselage but once replaced, we have not heard anything. Any "smoking rivet" must immediately be replaced before the next flight. My concern is when a customer is wondering why there is a row of "smoking rivet" and if anything should be done about it! One badly set rivet can lead to many "smoking rivets".
Wing lockers. Jeff Garrett on the following page has photos of how to deal with the wing locker hinge area.
Hi Mathieu
For the scratch builders who have the two piece rear spar and two piece spar cap mods, how will they be affected by the
For the rear spar, there is no problems extending 6-ZU1-8 inboard as to also use it as the rear spar splice plate for a 2 section rear spar. You will need to extend 6-ZU-1-8 I/O at least 140mm past the splice. Follow sketch from Chris Heintz for rivet qty, size etc.

I am checking with Chris on the main spar cap angles.
Mathieu, About FAA followup for owner/flyers/builders:
My FSDO contact told me that once the upgrades are completed and documented in our logs that we should do some flight testing solo. He thought that 5 hours was a good number and that you should use your test flight area that was asigned first time around. If builders have since moved they can contact the nearest FSDO and they will reassign an area. I expect only phone contact and it is all up to me, the repairman of the a/c.
In the AMD Service Manual, there is a whole section on ground and flight testing your aircraft after reassembly. I strongly recommend that everyone follow this procedure, Appendix 1. I also strongly recommend using Table 1 in the same manual when doing your 50-100-annual inspections.

I looked at the wing locker lids last night and the problem with moving it aft is that the skin is already cut so that doesn't seem like an option. I also see where you said to add a piece of .025 and re attach it so I will look at that also. I will be re skinning the wing tonight. I will let you know if I find a work around for this and will of course have a video of it but if I can't find a good solution for this I will just rivet the panel's closed.

Also I posted these on the main page and the were removed. Is there a problem with posting video's on the main page?

Or am I just too ugly .....LOL

Rivet removal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr24Nvs7fd0
Rivet sizing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hvMbI_qkAA
Rivet Bucking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRMgV06sZ24


This question may seem redundant, but I have not seen it covered specifically: For those of us who were flying, or at least had completed aircraft, will the upgrade kit also include the amount of A4 and A5 rivets needed to re-install the upper wing skin, the entire nose skin (top & bottom) and the center spar skin attachments?

Dave G.
Yes, we will try to include all the hardware required to complete the upgrade kit. Zenith is working hard trying to find out the exact number of rivets etc. needed to put everything back together.
Will you include a sequence sheet with the final plans? It would make it a lot easier and insure we do not miss anything


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