Tim Juhl
  • Male
  • Carsonville, MI
  • United States
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Tim Juhl's Friends

  • Lane Taylor
  • Wayne Tyson
  • Ron Carroll
  • Peter Bowen
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  • David Krakowsky
  • Don Hodges
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  • David Gallagher
  • Jake Reyna
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Tim Juhl's Discussions

Prop Position

Started this discussion. Last reply by Tim Juhl Mar 12. 2 Replies

Fuel Filter

Started this discussion. Last reply by Tim Juhl Mar 15. 6 Replies

Oil Capacity

Started this discussion. Last reply by John Austin Mar 7. 1 Reply


Tim Juhl's Page

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Tim Juhl posted a discussion

Prop Position

On my Champ the engine stops in a position that puts the left-hand blade of my wood prop (when facing) raised at about a 45° angle.  That is helpful when you have to hand prop it but for storage you have to pull it down to level.Since you can't hand-prop a Jabiru, do you mount the prop so it is naturally near level when the engine stops? Just curious.See More
Mar 9
Tim Juhl posted discussions
Mar 6
Tim Juhl posted a discussion

Jabiru Maintenance Class - Feb 21 & 22, 2025

I just got back from the Jabiru maintenance class in Shelbyville.  Nick and Jason did a great job and all who attended came away with a better understanding of what it takes to care for a Jabiru engine.  There was a representative from Jabiru Australia in attendance to "see how it was done" and shortly Jason will be traveling to Australia to help them put on a similar training event.  Jabiru wants to train some certified mechanics in their first class to help expand the number of techs in the…See More
Feb 25
Tim Juhl posted a discussion

Nose Gear Pucks

II have a Jabiru 3300 mounted to my 601 XL-B.  If you have a 601 or 650 with a Jab that you've converted the nose gear to the "puck" system. did you have to adjust the number of pucks to accommodate the Jab's weight? See More
Nov 20, 2024
Tim Juhl posted a discussion

Icom IC A210 question

After a pause of many years do to health issues and life getting in the way, I am finally trying to finish the last 1-2% of my Zodiac XL_B project.  I did a lot of the panel work a decade ago but there it has sat since then.  I know I'm a fossil trying to resurrect a long dormant project but I have a question for anyone using an Icom IC A210. I installed one when when I was actively building but have yet to use it.The radio has a built in intercom.  I can't tell from reading the manual but when…See More
Nov 18, 2024

Profile Information

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Nearly done
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Flying Experience
Commercial / CFI
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Retired High School Teacher. Pilot since 1975 - 5000+ hours - Commercial Airplane SEL / Instrument / CFI & CFII / Advanced and Instrument Ground Instructor. Former Chief Check Pilot for CAP in Michigan. Have flown to every US state (except MS, LA & HI) most Canadian Provinces and territories as well as the Bahamas - all in single engine aircraft.

Shipwreck Explorer (mostly Great Lakes) and Author of books and videos.

Own and fly an Aeronca Champ (L16A) that I previously restored.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)
Y83 and Grass strip at my home

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Tim Juhl's Blog

A visit with Ed Moody - January 2012

Posted on February 6, 2012 at 10:41am 2 Comments

I guess I haven't got the hang of this yet. These comments were meant to go with the four photos I posted today of Ed Moody's 601 XL, Papa Goose.

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of enjoying Ed's hospitality as we were passing thru his hometown of Rayne, Louisiana. Not only did my wife and I get introduced to the local delicacies of alligator, crawdad, frog legs and hush puppies, but Ed found the time to take me up for an hour in the beautiful XL that he and his father, Eddy,…


Informal campfire gathering at Oshkosh

Posted on July 17, 2010 at 10:28am 2 Comments

This is an invitation to a campfire gathering at Oshkosh for Zenith builders, flyers and others. Dr. Ed Moody and I are going to attempt to set our camps up side by side in some yet to be determined location in Camp Scholler. IF we are successful, we are inviting anyone who is interested to join us (weather permitting) for an informal gathering… Continue

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 6:08am on June 18, 2021, Michael Mccarthy said…


My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on (mmichaelmccarthy4@gmail.com ) for full details.

Michael Mccarthy.

At 2:25am on May 27, 2015, Wayne Tyson said…

I'm all ears. I have a 750.

Wayne Tyson

At 10:26am on September 21, 2014, Peter Bowen said…
Hi Tim,
Great to know another 601 is close by. I am at OZW and another 601 is close to completion. His name is Mike and I have been taking him up to get used to the characteristics of the Zodiac. Maybe we could come your way for a visit and a bit of hanger talk. Thanks for your help with the latch. Peter Bowen/517-230-3172
At 7:42am on March 20, 2013, Jake Reyna said…

Tim, the seat bottom modification works great if you want to use 2 piece cushions. I haven't secured the bottom in place, it doesn't slide out. Some sticky back velcro would be enough to hold in place, same with the back cushion.

Over the years I've seen builders making custom shaped seat bottoms to work with the curved piece, seems like a lot of work.

FWIW, I ordered seat foam from Rochford Supply and made my own cushions. They are more comfortable than my truck or car seats. I didn't use memory foam, good seat foam is all that is required. I have more info on that if you're interested, might even do a blog.


At 5:02pm on November 16, 2009, Gary Bassham said…
Hello Tim

What is your ideas on the manatory update? I think there are a lot of good flying planes out there with no problem with pilots that know how to fly the 601. But on the other hand stronger is better in my mind. So I guess I will do almost anything to make my plane better. Besides my plane is where the updates is no big thing. I still have not installed the upper skin on either wing. The fues is still open also, so it is not a big thing for me...

Good to hear from you.

At 11:29am on October 19, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
Planning on doing just that. The end of the year gets crowded schedule-wise but I'll shoehorn in an adventure or two anyway.

At 6:11pm on October 18, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
I finished the forty hours today and I'm looking forward to fly-ins, airshows, and pancake breakfasts around the state. I also hope to visit some builders who are in neighboring states within reach. Rest assured, vigilance and continued tweaking are still on the agenda.

At 4:49pm on April 26, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
Well thanks for the compliment. Yep, I guess I can see Zenith offering mass balance as an option. It would be good PR at the least. I just don't want to put more weight on when the airplane obviously does not need it. That's just a personal decision on my part. With a couple of 200 pound guys and 30 gallons of fuel, the LSA max gross of 1320 doesn't allow me any baggage. Thank God I dropped down to 185 and my wife weighs only 128. I'm looking forward to some weekend jaunts. I have been am still am convinced that the plane will be safe as I will maintain and fly it. I just can't take the rest of the world "to raise" as the expression goes.

At 6:43am on April 26, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
Well Tim, things have been progressing rapidly since we last communicated. The German ground vibration tests results have been announced by Zenith and appear to show (A) no tendancy for aileron flutter with proper cable tension and (B) the airframe appears to have the capacity to recover from aileron flutter even if the cables are below recommended tension. Zenith also said that wind tunnel tests are upcoming regarding the aileron flutter issue.

My guess is that if the ground vibration and computer model analysis don't show a flutter tendancy, the wind tunnel probably won't either. If that proves true, I would be very surprised if Zenith actually designs and offers an aileron mass balance mod and/or retrofit. Anything is possible but it would seem odd to go to all this effort and expense to prove that aileron flutter is a non-problem then do more work to mitigate the non-problem. I guess they could do it and say that they wanted their cutomers to have that extra margin of safety. That would work from the PR standpoint.

In digging through the NTSB crash reports they cited six crashes of which two were factory built and four were amature built but the reports don't state the aileron hinge types employed by the aircraft. I was told that when questioned on that issue, a ZBAG member confirmed that all six crashed planes had the piano hinge ailerons. I have asked Sebastien for confirmation or correction of that notion but have not heard back from him yet. Interesting if true, huh?

At 12:51pm on April 17, 2009, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
Tim, I'm sorry to have to tell you that the ZBAGers have screwed my pooch for the time being. The FAA has decided not to issue any airworthiness certificates on 601XLs until this mess is sorted out. Realistic estimates would range from a couple of months to never. I cannot express how angry I am at having busybody types save me from an imaginary demon against my will. My inspector called this morning with the news that his superiors told him to call off the inspection indefinitely.

Now here is the insanity of the situation... if the inspection had been done yesterday or the day before, my plane would be legal to fly. That same plane today is in some beaurocratic limbo that may prohibit its flight for many months. Go ahead and try to convince me that this would have happened anyway if the ZBAGers had simply minded their own business. I truly don't mind that their paranoia moves them to investigate and explore options and mods on their own planes... that is well within their rights. What I object to is the fact that while they carry on this pissing contest, all our shoes are getting wet.

Sorry for the rant but I am a responsible, self reliant sort of person who resents being nannied to death.


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