Q&A - Zodiac 601XL -650 for the latest upgrade drawings of November 24 2009

This Q&A is for the upgrade kit of the Zodiac 601XL & 650 based on drawings of Nov. 24, 2009 and AMD Safety Alert of November 7. 2009

New drawings:
Nov. 24, 2009: We've updated the draft Drawings 6-ZU-1, 6-ZU-2, 6-ZU-3 and 6-ZU-4, and LAA Aileron Balance.

For very detailed questions (or if you must complain or vent), email me at newplane@gmail.com

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Good comments on the possible skin doubler.
One other thought, any changes in spar thickness, longer main spar bolts, or changes to brackets may interfere with the insertion of the outer two main wing spar bolts, particularly the top bolt. It was a tight fit on the original design with the anterior cabin width narrowing in the front and the seat panel 6-B-15-4 sloping in from the rear.
Hi All

I have now finished the dismantling my 601 XL ready for the Mod kits, one thing I have found is the Cortex is a very good glue.
Mathieu thanks for this Q & A and thanks to Zenith for the support
On drawing 6-ZU-2 showing the carry thru spar riveted to cabin floor with doubler it shows the front row of rivets thru existing holes and new rear holes shouldn't this be backwards as the rear upright is not moved but the forward upright will move forward making the existing holes in the floor not usable along the forward 6-ZU-2-7 or am I seeing this wrong. David
David, according to the note on 6-ZU-2, the front bottom flange of 6W4-1 is cut off and replaced by 6-ZU-2-7 then when the doubler 6-ZU-2-9 is installed the rivets will go through the doubler, the existing floor holes then through the new front bottom angle. The holes in the new bottom angle will be .125" closer to the radius, but that should not hurt. By the way, you have a beautiful airplane, bet it made you sick to tear it apart for this important modification,

Mathieu, if you read this, could you place on the drawing or tell us what the reamed diameter of the spar bolt holes should be. I would like to clean mine up, but do not want to go too large.

Bob Pickens, Troy, Mo.
You are correct about Davids concern.

Regarding the spar bolt holes. My suggestion is that you do nothing to them. If you like, put some Zinc Chromate primer in the holes. This will fill up tiny scratches etc.

If each bolt is a tight fit with wings not installed, there is a good possibility that when the wings are installed, the bolts will be too tight.
I concur with the removal of the center spar. Today I removed my center spar out of my plans build partially completed 601xl fuselage, and I also had to remove one of the rear center spar uprights to allow for the center spar to be moved out of the fuselage.
- Maarten
How much time is roughly needed for an experienced engineer to do the full upgrade?
We are estimating about 80 hours, but hard to say at this time.
Can the AN3-11A and a couple of AN3-12A bolts at the wing main spar doubler area, be replaced with solid AD rivets or do we need the extra shear strength of the bolts. Cheers Alan
We need the extra shear strength of the bolts at the root area. So 6-ZU-1-2 needs to be bolted.
For all the solid rivets that must be removed, what are the pros and cons for replacing all with bolts? One might be weight, but that should only be a few ounces, right?


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