Gary Ray
  • West Bloomfield, MI
  • United States
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Gary Ray's Blog

Dynon Autopilot Installation

Posted on June 20, 2011 at 12:00pm 1 Comment

I have a Dynon D-10A,SV-32 roll servo, SV-32C pitch servo, Dynon HS34 to connect my King KLN-90B GPS.  I connect thru the ARINC data channels(Dynon com speed set to slow). The HS34 allows you to set the heading bug, altitude, and baro.  I track a GPS course, Heading bug, or GPS Nav for flight plans and it climbs/descends to altitude bug.  Calculated winds aloft are shown on the HSI page display.  Dynon sensitivity in Roll and Pitch is set to 25 (highest).  In thermal environments, with +-…


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At 9:32pm on August 17, 2013, Mike Chekal said…

Hi Gary,

I will certainly consider that, but I will have to do more research. My initial research on the Ellison website looks like setting up the priming system when using the Ellison will be more difficult that with the Rotec. Did you run primer fuel lines to each of your cylinders?



At 9:31am on August 2, 2011, GENE MAYO said…

H iGary: Long time no hear, I guess things are quite in the Zenith world. How is things going for you? I,m back flying after the up-grade, airport shut down.

I,m having high EGT and the tem's from one cyl. to the other is not to even. What are you useing from your air box to the carb? I have SCAT tubeing right now. If you are useing SILICONE hose tell me where to get it.

BTW how is the towbar working for you?



At 8:43pm on July 22, 2011, Lynn Dingfelder said…


I haven't been keeping up on this site in recent times, but was glad to see your invitation. Your experience and expertise goes into areas where I haven't been. Of particular interest to me is a way to better balance my prop. I don't feel my installation is as smooth as others apparently are, though I've never had the opportunity to check vibration levels another Corvair equipped plane. 


At 1:49am on June 19, 2011, Chris Sinfield said…


got any photos of how you installed the Auto Pilot servos??

I am going down that path myself

At 4:08pm on October 24, 2010, Jerold Ebke said…
Gary, Thank you again for sharing your experience with me. I am considering either the Jabiru or the UL 350 which both weigh about the same. Both groups of course have idealized their mounts etc., hopefully for the best W&B which at this point is only some idea that I am aware exists. I will learn more as I eventually take flight lessons and get closer to completion. I am surely encouraged by your report of better takeoff and landing characteristics with the gear where I have it. The best to you. Jerry Ebke
At 9:41pm on October 23, 2010, Jerold Ebke said…
Gary. Just saw your reply on canopy issue.Discovered prebent hoops for mid canopy rollover do not conform to drawings.Will see if ZAC will replace. I see notes about you being gear forward. I used Grove gear and plans called for it to be straight edge forward and this is how I mounted mine. If this is how you are set up, has it worked OK. Thanks. Jerry
At 7:22pm on June 7, 2010, GENE MAYO said…
Hi Gary: I told you my tow bar was made from 1 1/2" pvc. Well its not its made out of 1" pvc.
regards GENE
At 9:04am on June 3, 2010, GENE MAYO said…
Gary: thanks for the reply and comment. Is the a.c. tail heavy after you turned the gear around? I have a friend who told me we could not step on his a.c. at the same time, or the tail would hit the ground. I don't know switch way his gear is on. My gear is where its puts the wheels to the back, and as i stated you have to pull the a.c. off. how did this affect your CG? I have a Jabiru engine(light). The tow bar is made out of 1 1/2" pvc pipe. I made it about 1/2" narrow than the wheel fork, where it will hold tight.
At 7:55am on May 29, 2010, GENE MAYO said…
Hello Ray: I notice you turn your gear around, Have you notice the A.C tail wanting to hit the ground when one gos to get in th A.C.? I too have trouble with having to pull the A.C. off on take off. I only have 7 hours on my plane when I started the up-grade. About finish, will pull wire next week. Thanks in advance fot the information.
At 11:49am on February 2, 2010, Gary Ray said…
I have just finished building my ailerons in my basement as per plans, I will take them out for the trial fit tomorrow. I hope I did not get bad information on this one. There are 26 holes/ side not counting the large one for the bar. I saw the post. Right now hoping I don't have to re-do it.
My estimate might be off, Mid November to now at about 8-10 hours/wk is about 80-100 hrs so far.

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