Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Hi everyone..
In the very near future will be picking up my kit from the factory. Trying to determine what I need to bring it all home.
Does anyone have the dimensions of the shipping crate for the 750 STOL. Also will be picking up my engine and firewall forward kit at the same time (UL 350) if anyone can help with the dimensions for these items also it would really be a big help. I'm hoping to bring all home in one trip (back to Ohio).
Any help here would be greatly appreciated..
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Hi Van, factory can give you dimensions! Quick phone call and likely most accurate info. Congratulation on starting the adventure!! Dave
Full crate: 3x4x13.5 feet. 877 lbs. FedEx delivered mine with no forklift! I got familiar with it very quickly!
You didn't say HOW you were picking it up. Crating charges (and crate) are not needed if you're using a box truck or large van. Crate really only needed if you're going to strap 'er down on a flat trailer. Even then, you don't HAVE to have a crate if you have enough straps to hold everything in place to keep it from bouncing out while you're on the road. If you don't use a crate, there are two medium sized boxes about 14"x18"x4' long that hold the non-skin parts. Several layers of flat skins for the wing top & bottoms and fuselage sides. A bunch of other stuff like the box for the wheels etc. Ask Zenith whether you need a crate based on how you're bringing home.
... and isn't it correct that Zenith will actually provide packing materials to protect the components and help you pack it in your truck or trailer if you pick it up at the factory?
True, John. Although the web says they'll help you load, they did it all while I was doing the rudder workshop. They've got their act together and really don't want you in the way. All parts are protected whether by their own box or wrapped in packing foam or heavy Kraft paper. Very easy to add items like the bulky cowl and motor mount by just tossing in the back of the truck.
I flew to Columbia using points, caught a Lyft to the local Penske center and used the truck as my rental car. Second day of workshop they had it packed within an hour. Drove home.
Wow, that's great customer service!
Funny story: Reminds me of the time I was picking up a restored '73 Pantera from Pantera Performance in Aurora, CO. One year restoration with mega-buck paint job, etc. We were loading it on an open trailer when a severe thunderstorm blew up and it started to hail! The whole shop crew started running for cover in the shop. There I was was, out in the open with the car, and I thought, "This is just great! One year restoration, bucketloads of money invested, "perfect" paint, and I'm about to see it all destroyed!"
A few seconds later, the whole crew came running back out with huge pieces of cardboard and within seconds, had covered, padded, and protected the car from the hail. The result: not a scratch on the car ... and then I remembered to start breathing again! :>)
As in the case with Zenith's crew, there's nothing like teamwork!
I picked up my stol 750 last year at the factory with a 7’x 20’ enclosed trailer (16’ would have been long enough) and
they packed it for me while I stayed out of the way and watched. The package was complete, including seats, forward
firewall and UL 350 engine. The engine was the only thing in a crate, I was back on the road in about an hour and
I had zero damage to anything when I got home. The hard part was unloading the trailer and stowing it all away!
I am picking up my second plane (650) in December and hope it all goes as well. 60 hours on the 750 and it’s
really a fun plane to fly, but I actually had more fun building it. I think the people at Zenith are great and Roger is
a real asset to the company - always ready to answer my stupid questions.
Good building Van
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