Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
What's the latest forum wisdom regarding in-flight video cameras...?
I'm due for a new one, as my old NflightCam is giving up.
I've found that a video camera that records voice is valuable for flight testing, where it's not practical to take handwritten notes. Any other "data acquistion" or recording features would be a plus.
What are you guys using in the air these days....?
Patrick Hoyt
I’ve been happy with my Garmin VIRB ultra 30. Can plug into aircraft audio, and records gps data.
Hi Patrick, I've been using a pair of SJ6 cameras, they are about $140 each on Amazon. For audio I bought a $20 lapel mic and stuffed it in my headset, audio is decent but not perfect. For another $30 I bought a set of ND filters that filter out the prop quite nicely. Other than a few odd firmware issues (image stabilization works backwards when mounted upside down, and the camera won't replay full 4GB files, have to use a PC or smart phone to view the large files). Battery life is about a bit over an hour on a warm day, and about 40 minutes on a 20F day mounted to the wing. Image quality does not stack up well against a friend's gopro hero 7 black, but it's good enough. Uses any standard gopro mount. No GPS or data collection features like Garmin, but my PFD logs everything for me. Overall the sj6 is not nearly as polished as the garmin or gopro, but for the price they are hard to beat for a basic action camera. The Virb Ultra 30 was on my short list, it's probably the best full featured aviation camera on the market, I decided to save my money for 100LL. I still may end up owning one someday.
I bought a VIRB ultra for inside the cockpit, can overlay gps data on the video, capture audio. Then I repurposed a GoPro for the wing. Works very well for me except that I haven’t yet worked out a good way to march them during edits.
i know if you buy Sony action cams, you can send a single start command to all of them at once, gets around the edit issue nicely, and they are cheaper than GoPro or garmin.
huh can’t remember how to embed anymore.
While still relatively new and a bit exprensive, you might take a look into 360 cameras, which can give an all around view.
A very cool example is from a thunderbird cockpit. Video at
If you have not watched a 360 video before, there is a little control in the video that allows you to look around.
I only recently became aware of these cameras myself.
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