Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Forum Moderator's Note:
I have initiated this topic as a central location for any plans or building details, errors, corrections or revisions that might be useful to other members - this is for all type-specific models of Zenith aircraft as the present forum format is inconsistent across the various type-specific forums and I can't "Feature" (similar to a "sticky") this topic in all of the forums. Therefore, it makes the most sense to centralize this topic in the Open Forum where it can be "Featured." When posting a correction to the plans or additional information, be sure to specify which Zenith type-specific model the information pertains to.
Of course, in all cases of conflicting or questionable information, contacting Zenith Aircraft for technical support is the best and recommended source for correct information.
As always, thanks for your active participation in the Forums!
John Forum Moderator
CH-750 Super Duty
These comments pertain to SD75 - Summary of Revisions to Assembly Drawings.
Note: Some (but not all) of the issues I identified in my January 2nd posting regarding the SD75 - Summary of Revisions to Assembly Drawings, dated 30 December 2019 have been corrected.
The SD75 - Summary of Revisions to Assembly Drawings, dated 16 January 2020, has the following issues:
Not picky at all..I’m sure Zenith appreciates all this..
Mike - thanks for the detailed notes.
I'm just starting on the 750 Super Duty wings and will share further notes and issues as I uncover them. So far on the first wing drawing WW01, it is necessary to enlarge the 5/32" holes to 3/16" in the outboard end of the spar where the spar extension joins. There are only 6 holes to enlarge on each wing spar to accommodate the A6 rivets specified, so not much of an issue.
I decided to proceed with the wings next on the basis that several of the drawings have recently been updated and there was a Zenith video made in mid-2018 touting the completeness of the wing kit with final sized matched holes. I have deferred work on the slats and flaperons on the basis that the drawings look relatively untouched for some time and could be in line for updates/changes.
As a general practice, I am reviewing for current drawing revisions on Google docs every time, before moving on to the next drawing, as I build - seemingly a necessary practice with so many active changes on-going. I'll post significant issues here.
Perhaps separately, I would be interested to hear more about challenges you encountered in assembling the 750 SD fuselage - difficult aspects, lessons learned, any re-work issues etc. My kit arrived with the forward cabin significantly assembled and many of the angles on the fuselage skins already attached, though I did not order a quickbuild kit. This was a pleasant surprise. Attached is a photo of the forward cabin section as-received.IMG_2219.jpg
650 Zodiac
has anyone had these type of issues with the 650?
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