Chris Sinfield

Richmond NSW


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Nearly done
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Aircrew, A&P, Airforce
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Hi Chris,

    I was in the USAF a million years ago at Malmstrom AFB Great Falls MT. I wasn't in a flying assignment though, I was already a dentist back then (1977 - 1980) and we had more rockets than planes anyway. I tried to get assigned to flying staus... any flying status... but it never happened. There was no slot for a flight oral surgeon I guess.

  • Greg Wilson


    I'm buying a 601 HDS that's 95% finished. Some of my friends tell me that only leaves 95% to do but I'm hoping that's not the case. I hope to pick it up in the next couple of weeks. and am hoping to have it airborne in a month. I'm paying a local company to do most of the work.

    These are the jobs that I need to do:

    sand rust off motor mounts and paint with primer Yes
    sand rust of undercarriage and paint with primer Yes
    fit cockpit floor cover no floor cover
    fit fuselage front top cover Complet the fitting of same
    fit bottom cowling " " "
    fit top cowling " " "
    fit canopy to frame Yes
    fit canopy frame to fuselage (incl releases each side NO) I would
    manufacture front tilt mechanism
    fit rubber seal to canopy As yet I have been unable to source, I need same
    for my airplane
    fit wheel spats Refit
    attach wings Yes
    attach wing join cover strips Yes
    check fuel tanks for rust flush
    test fuel tanks & complete Fuel system for leaks & maybe replace rubber fuel
    test all fuel pumps for correct operation as above
    fit batteries Batteries have been fitted
    build and fit seats Yes
    upholster cockpit sides Yes
    Fit seat belts
    carpet or line cockpit floor Yes
    adjust prop to correct pitch Yes
    check cooling system Yes, & fit new hoses
    test engine at speed & check temp Yes
    test instruments & radio Yes
    fit altimeter over reading 2000FT
    fit Southern hemisphere compass I cannot promise but I may have one
    arrange inspection by RAA inspector Yes
    Retrack & adjust PSR
    Check all bungees
    Refit coil splitter on firewall
    Check nose leg up travel to radiator, fit donut to restrict same
    Check travel of all flying surfaces
    In general a complete Major inspection, weight & balance Etc Etc Etc
    register & test fly


  • Peter Carver

    Greetings Chris.
    Re photos, while the wings and empennage are done, the fuselage is still on stands at present. Perhaps a photo is not warranted yet.
    Give me your thoughts please.
  • Chris Hotchin

    Hi Chris,
    I received my plans in March 08 and haven't started to build yet, as I have been building a large extension to my house. I have also been to see Glenn Andressen at Mallacoota in early 08 when he had just started. We had a good visit and checked out his progress and his simulator. I hope to start flight training for my RA-Aus shortly and need to get a few things squared away here before I can start to build.
    Regards, Chris
  • Chris Hotchin

    Yes, it's pretty ugly....hopefully wont scare to many people
  • Darryl Legg

    Hi Chris,
    Am still at work actually, but when I am office bound I have an internet connection. I am looking at going to Avalon next month, are you going? how is your plane coming along, you must be very close. i just received the conversion parts for the new canopy latch, so will be fitting that this weekend. I am still using the old canopy, just changing the latch gear. After that is fitted I have a lot of riveting to do.
  • Glen West

    Chris, yes those are venturi's one each side of my 601. I was operating a Directional gyro and a Horizontal gyro, however, I have removed those instruments. Now the venturi on each side is used to pull hot air from around the instrument panel. They have become my no moving parts cooling fans.
  • Stuart Green

    Hi Chris
    Havent done too much at all. I am in Germany at the moment. Hopefully get stuck into the cowls when I get back
  • Glen West

    Chris, The horizon worked better than the DG. I think it was due to not being able to regulate the flow correctly for both units. Instead, I pulled them out and put in airspeed and altimeter for back up to the digital. I still have the two gyros and the system filter. If you are interested in any of the parts, let me know.
  • John Livsey

    Its on my calender this year. Didin't make it last year but should be getting up on the Thursday. You have to arrive early to get a reasonable space thats not mile from the you know what.
  • Alan Kessler

    Hi Chris!
    Yes the black rotary switch is a EGT cylinder select, but I am using it for CHT only.
  • Zenith Australia

    Hello Hello,

    Im talking to Michael Heintz regarding the visit, I'll let you know soons whats happening :)
  • Alan Kessler

    Hi Chris
    I purchase the switch from Aircraft Spruce part # 10-01266
  • Craig Busbridge

    I am now preparing to start work again. I have almost fully recovered from shoulder reconstruction surgery, that slowed me down somewhat.
  • Michael Heintz

    I look forward to meeting you at the show; thanks for the info and for helping make NATFLY a great meeting place for all things "Zenith".
  • Harry Mason

    g'day Chris,
    see you at natfly, looking forward to it.
  • Paul Hammond

    Thanks Chris
    might see you at NATFLY if we the fires dont burn us out
  • Alan

    Hi Chris, Spoke to a couple of friends at Hars to see if we can hire an plane to fly there for one of the days[ We could properly get the C47/DC3 if we get enough interest for next year] Cheers Alan
  • Allan / Zenair Australia

    Hi Chris Yes I am flying up should be there sometime thursday
    I am going to put my plane on my site this year
    As I plan on doing some flying will I am up there
  • Jacob

    Haven't decided just yet few other things on that weekend I have to work around e.g. football etc. I assume that your allowed to camp from some of the photos I've seen? If I do come I will most likely end up using my swag for accommodation. Also have to calculate how long the drive will take as well. Be great to go for a demo flight to get the motivation levels going.
  • Greg Cox

    Hi Chris, I am well thanks.
    I will definately be at Natfly from Friday to Monday. I did send you a message to let you know that I would be happy to help out with the BBQ as much as required.
    I am just starting to get back into my building. I have been so busy with my son's sport and at work it's hard to make time at the moment.
    Regards, Greg
  • John Vidler

    Hi Chris, I am building a 601HD from plans only - it's a bit of a slog - think I would go for a kit in future - roughly 25% done - big 75% to go.
    Have you decided on an engine for your XL ?
    Cheers, John V
  • David Graham

    Yeah mate, since we have been flying I have foregotten to do that, we should place new pics' soon. Will get to it mate. How you been, we have only 11.4 hours so far due to weather... Very frustrating at the moment
  • Paul Hammond

    Hey Chris is there plenty of spots for a caravan at Narromine
  • Paul Toone

    Hi Chris, Sorry I haven't replied before but I've been working on the house to earn the brownie points to do the plane. The kit finally arrived on 22nd March and I've decided to get the wheels on to give it some mobility. I put the nosewheel on tonight after taking a couple of days to get a 1/4" tap for the bottom bearing. What surprises me is the effort you need to turn the nosewheel when the bungy is on. I haven't connected the rudder pedals to it yet. Is this normal or do the bearings need to be opened out? It's going to make the rudder control in the air very heavy unless the bearings 'wear in'. Everything went in to the plans except the top cap 6G2-3, which appears to be for an earlier version as my nosewheel strut has no fixings at the top for this metal cap. Looking into the tube all you can see is the tube supporting the bungy cord. Any comments would be good. PS haven't had any more newsletters other than the last you sent some time ago.
  • Paul Toone

    Hi Chris,
    Last newsletter was Summer 08 09.
    I'd be interested in a diagram of what's changed to the nosewheel. One of the guys on the Rec Flying website has done a mod involving a sort of bearing under the fixings for the steering rods which rolls on the nylon lower bearing. If nothing better is available I might do a version of that as I think the rudder in the air will be very heavy and put quite a strain on the rudder pedals.
  • Jerold Ebke

    Thank you for your Camloc reply. Would you be willing to take the time to expand your answer as to which Camlocs you used and where I might be able to gain info as to installation pocedure, I have seen 2600/2700 series. Some s.s., some coutersunk, retaining clips and on and on. Any further info would be greatly appreciated and help clarify the Camloc world for me. Best regards, Jerry
  • Peter Lalor

    Hi Chris, I did send you a reply via Yahoo. I am about to start on my canopy and I may be interested in one of those from Todd's. I will let you know in another week one way or the other.. If you make it up here to Exmouth, it would be great to catch up for a chat and a glass or two.

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Okay, now climb down from that Herc or whatever it is and get finished with that airplane! You're using a Jabiru 3300A, right? If so and if you are curious about the early sketchy first 3hours or so in the air, tag me back for the details.

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Perectly normal when you factor in the fact that I won't get jealous or pitch a fit if you look at an airplane instead of at me.

    Keep me posted as you progress.

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Given the trail of soot on the bottom of the plane, that's very likely. Thanks for the tip.

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    I was pinched for time when I first replied to your suggestion, but I think your idea is likely to be the actual problem; at least I hope it is. If the problem is happening due to engine compartment CO leaking into the cabin from the upper/lower cowling joint as I first suspected, the implications are pretty disappointing. By that, I mean that if the environment under the cowling is that contaminated with exhaust leakage, I will never be able to use the cabin heat option that I paid for and worked to install. The cabin heat muff is not even remotely isolated from the engine compartment air, and if there is enough CO "under the bonnet" to leak out and darken my little chemical detector, I was going to be in deep crap if I ever opened up the cabin heat valve.

    I will tape off the belly hatch as soon as I clean the soot off the bottom of the plane and install a little chromed exhaust "turn down" extension. If the gods are with me that will solve the issue.

    Thanks again,

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    I'll give it a try later this week. Thanks,

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    My thanks and admiration for hitting the nail on the head. The taped off belly hatch solved the CO issue entirely. Today's 1.33 hour flight was CO free. I may get my decal maker to cut me several feet of 3" wide silver metalflake decal material to seal the hatch as a long term solution. That material sticks like mad and disappears into the silver metalflake paint.

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    I cut a hole in the top center of the rear wall of the baggage area. I mounted a 35 CFPM 4" muffin fan in the hole and wired it to a switch in the EXP BUS2V power center. I turned it on to assist in drawing in fresh air and evacuating the cabin air when the CO indication began inflight. Unfortunately, it did nothing to abate the CO detection level. My guess is that the CO entering from the belly hatch was too great for the fan to have any effect on it.

    The fan will act as designed however to draw in fresh air through the eyeball vents when the plane is on the ground. That's what it was installed for. Inflight, there is already quite enough air being forced in from the NACA scoops through the eyeball vents to make the cabin temp comfortable, but even that apparently won't clear the CO if the exhaust is being syphoned in through the belly hatch. I will seal off the hatch in a way that allows me to get back in there anytime I need to. As far as I am concerned that problem is solved.

    Now I have to figure out if my left tank sender is screwed or if I have a broken wire or bad ground. The indication from the tank was erratic today. Just another hurdle in the quest for flight brother.

  • Robert Small

    Hi Chris,

    Yeh, I got out of Qantas before I was chucked out like the rest of the guys:( Now consulting to CAE on training programs for the KC30A, pretty interesting! Starting to get a bit done on the HDS, just started the left wing.

    Cheers for now,

  • Johan Luies

    Hi Chris,
    Thank you. I bought my plans a long time ago, built a special garage to build my plane and then bought a Piper Colt. I sold that when I immigrated to Aus and have decided to start with the Zodiac. So far i am busy with the preparations like drawing out all the parts on Cadd and layoing these out on sheets for possible Laser or Water jetting. I will also do everything in 3D to do a bit of virtual building before i start. Where do you live. I am in Perth. I would really like to meet some builders in the area.

  • Jacob

    Hi Chris,
    been in touch with zenith about it because I wanted to add to the order. They told me sport air probably won't arrange freight and as I'm in melbs anyway I asked them to ship mine direct to melbourne. As far as I'm aware it's being crated up atm for shippment. Hope I didn't cause any dramas for anyone. One of the guys rang me and said sport air were having a hard time atm and recomended dealing with it myself so I did.
  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Chris
    Thanks for clarifying that or I might have got my WIRES crossed. That would be bad hey. Punn intended.

    I appreciate your comment, thanks.

    While I'm yacking, would you mind adding Karl Lindenthal to your mailing list for your newsletter. His address is,

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Chris
    This is what I purchased from Jabiru. Volts, oil press, oil temp, cht, egt, asi, alt, vsi, turn coordinator, tacho, circuit breakers. There are two reasons for this. One is because their prices are competitive, and the other is because all of the instruments are painted with the operating colour codes. I just had them paint the markings on a new ASI for me as I mucked up the callibration of my first one trying to do it myself.

    I also purchased all of my tefzel wire, AN fitting and heaps of other bit from them as well as recieving heaps of valuable advice direct from Rod Stiff and his staff.

    A good deal all round.

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Chris
    Firstly, thankyou for your comments.

    The paint is Protec 472 epoxy self etching primer that you spray on two coats 5 mins flash dry between coats. After 30 mins you apply topcoat straight over top without sanding which is essential around rivets. The topcoat is is Protec 609 urethane and is applied in two medium wet coats 10 mins apart. It's as simple as that. Here is the Protec tech sheet link,

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Chris
    I know what you mean about the trims. The Ray Allen stick grips themselves aren't to bad, but then when you start adding the trim servo, indicators, isolation switch, speed control, speed selector switch for cruise and circuit and earth isolation for the led's and of course 1A breaker to power the servo and a 1A breaker to power the indicators, it starts to get a little complicated doesn't it. Of course nearly all the wires being white doesn't help either. But it is all doable, just time and brain cell consummmmming.

    What stage are you up to with your airframe? Please post some more pics.

  • Mike Peake

    Thanks Chris the plane is going just fine - beaut! we had some issues as my partner in the plane died, very unexpectedly, back in April but after some months of confusion I managed to buy his share from the executors so now own it all! I am still in the novice stages as I just have not had much cockpit time but the flying skills are all coming back very quickly. The plane is in Foxton (towards the south end of North Island) at present - but I hope to move it to Turangi (slap in the middle of NI) by 22 November when we have a 601XL fly in planned.

    GENE 601SX