Normand Lambert


Montreal, Quebec


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
STOL CH 701, STOL CH 750
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Private Pilot - VFR Day/Night
34 years building/flying RadioControl models
CH701sp flying, CH701SP under construction and CH750 under construction.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)
CSA2 - Lac Agile Mascouche Quebec Canada

Comment Wall:

  • mark mclaughlin

    Good morning Normand.My name is Mark McLaughlin.I am a new member to this site.I have ordered plans to scratch build a 750.I would like to know if your plans were detailed well enough that you could program a cnc machine to punch your parts.I am lucky to have access to a cnc turret press and I hope to be able to fab all my components on the machine.
  • Mario Pratte

    salut Normand!!
    je suis du quebec et j'aurais quelques choses qui pourrais t'interesser.
    mon email:
  • Robert Stuart

    Hi Norm
    I am not flying yet but very close. I am doing the paper trail.It is good to here from you.
    Robert Stuart
  • Robert Stuart

    Hi Norm
    I think my engine was 176lb.with an alt. off a John Deere small tractor.The Alt is 4 lb. I did not wt. the rad it is under the belly.I made small pulley for the end of the crank about the same as the water pump pulley. The water pump and the alt now turn at about same speed as the engine. I took the carb off of my engine and built a carb. My breather and carb are only 2'' deep. I get from 1000 to 4600rpm with a 72'' set at 11degrees.Karlo came from Montreal to see it run. I would have had a big hump on my cowling as my engine is high. I put My battery as far back as I could in the tail it is 12 lbs. The plane is heavy for a 701 it is 670 lbs. Norm I should have got back to you sooner but I still farm and at this time of the year if I don;t get the work done now I will have no work this fall. Norm I have a 2000' grass strip on the farm with nothing at each end no trees or lines for 1000s of feet If you would like to try it give me a call, also there is a fly in breakfast at Cobden on JUNE 14 and I hope to be there.It would
    be a good cross country for your cherokere. As for the paper trail I had to register it as a home built as I built it from plans or I could have registered as a basic ultralight. I would have liked an advanced ultralight but could not. Keep working on the 701Norm.
    Robert Stuart
  • Mike Ethridge

    Hi Norm sorry about the slow reply but working on a start-up airline so its gets crazy at times. Looks like you are ready to paint after a lot of hard work. Per your request I used a two part system {PPG} with a base and clear coat. This approach saves work, weight, no ridge lines and hopfully a long lasting paint job. I'll post additional pictures once she is back together. I look forward to seeing your paint pictures and hearing about your first flight. Mike
  • david shrader

    hi norm

    i had a question on the stringers isnt the false ribs enough or did u encounter some oil caning or hear of it or is it just insurance?

    thanks Dave
  • Normand Lambert

    Hi all,

    So, my second wing is down for a complete check up. Didn't find much to replace/redo. Still more stringers to add and then precover inspection (part 2). Some electricity still to do but lightning work and
    tachometer to plug. Interior cosmetics is next. Getting there !

    My propeller came in !!! &0inches 3 bladed Warp drive. Beauty and I tried it for size. It works just fine with the spacer I added. 8.5 inches clearence. Just what the doctor ordered !

    Life's too good !

  • Michel Proulx

    Salut Normand

    Yes, I am selling my plane if I can, I think i took a bigger project than my health permit me to do, but if I do not sell it it will simply take longer to finish.

    No I have never flew a CH 701 before but confident to jump in when ready. If you would like to discuss anything on this topic feel free to call me. Here is my phone 819 671-6578

    Michel Proulx
  • Ross Dawson

    Hi Normand, I'm over in New Zealand and have just brought a new 701 and am looking to put floats on. I'm finding the price of new ones a bit hard to swallow, but may have access to some older ones, with the retractable nose wheel. Are you putting older amphibs on? I saw a discussion where it seemed you were having some fitting problems, but my french is non existant so I'm hoping you could tell me some of the issues involved in fitting old floats onto new 701's
    Any help/info would be much appreciated

  • Normand Lambert

    Hi everybody,

    I gormy 2nd inspection done (pre-cover part 2) and found that the previous builder didn't use the right material thickness for the rear spar and some skin between the rear spar and trailing edge (bottom of wing). So, undid all rivets for the rear spar, rear brackets and rear bottom skin. Redid the rear spar parts in 0.032 all the way and started to put the wing back together.

    Two wings to do, just one started. So much fun!

    When I bought this project it had already been started and the guy seemed knowledgeable enough (for than me anyway). BUT, I found so many wrong things I often wonder if bying a project was such a good idea???

    You out there, be careful when you buy stuff. Inspect it correctly or have someone you trust is knowledgeable check it for you.

    Safe flying !

  • Ron D Leclerc

    Hey Normnd

    I have a few questions on the floats you have. Perhaps you can contact me. My email is
  • Ron D Leclerc

    Hey Normand

    Are you still building?
  • Ron D Leclerc

    Hey Norm...

    How are your floats coming along... are you getting anywhere close to being done? I've been pretty buzy for the last while and have not been keeping up with the news.

    I've been making good progress with my float development which is a lot of work, I find to be very satisfying over all. The design is working out better then I expected... I had some misgivings about the amphib gear retract system at first... but things sort of worked out to a point where I have both the castering nose wheel and main wheels design basically done. The linear actuators that I will be using are the type that have the feedback feature, so I know when the wheels are up or downI'm finished drawing up all the patterns for the bulkheads... which is quite a repeatative undertaking. Next is cutting all of the bulkhead forming blocks.

    I have not decided yet... on the spreader bar tubing and the strut tubing, or the connections.

    I have designed and built a rudder system which I think turned out pretty good... I will using 2 of them.

    Hope you had a good Canada day... and keep in touch
  • Bob McDonald

    How do you plan on lifting the CH701 to install floats? Zenith does not want you "lifting" from the wing attachment, they want you "raiseing" from underneath. I have been trying to figure how to safely do that? I lift my CH601HD with an ATV jack. At 800lbs the CH750 is a different lift.