Ian Sowman



New Zealand

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Semi retired. ex Aircraft Engineer (RNZAF). Purchased CH 601UL kit March 2010 part constructed. Wing panels only completed by previous owner after purchase in Oshkosh 1997 then lost interest and dry stored since. I have a Subaru EA81 ex 20hrs in a Ragwing Storch (replaced with Rotec Radial) I will be fitting a Compu-fire ign system and 2 x Bing carbs.

Comment Wall:

  • Chris Sinfield

    Hi Ian
    Chris Sinfield over in Sydney.. why not join our main ANZAC zenith group? I am a FE on the C130's over here and building a zodiac XL.. where are you north or south Island?

  • Bob McDonald

    I still fly the CH601HD with Rotax 912 80hp. The CH601HD & CH601UL both perform very well as a STOL type aircraft. They cruise 90 - 100 mph and not much faster...that big thick wing won't let it go any faster. Great day flyer..cheap ...fun... flying. To put CH701 tires on a CH601...must use different size wheel forks?
  • Bob McDonald

    I installed the www.stolspeed.com VG's on the CH601HD and they improved the slow speed handling (landing flair/float) of the aircraft. But I also have a light Rotax 912 80 engine (130lb), with the heavier Subaru engine you are going to have a CofG near the forward limit.
  • Bob McDonald

    I also have the baggage lockers in the wings + seperate leading edge wing tanks. Way too much fuel for the range of my bladder. I use the right hand leading edge tank for "weight" by putting fuel in it to off-set the heavy left wing feel when flying solo. The baggage locker can also be used for this purpose by storing tie downs and heavier baggage in it. During the last 10 minutes of the evening flight I will transfer the 22L fuel to the header tank. I usually only fill the right wing tank with a Jerry can...its lower and easier. Be sure to install an electric trim tab on the right aeileron, it is invaluable when triming the aircraft.
  • Bob McDonald

    The main bungee might be a lot easier to change at this point in the construction. See www.macsmachine.com for tools and neat stuff. I got the tools to change the main gear bungee from him.