terry steffler


Queen Creek, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Just started
Building From
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
I have worked in the metal trades for 35 years,currently work as a contract welder

Comment Wall:

  • Tom

    Yes we don't have to many traffic jambs lol.
    WE came from the PX area so we know what you mean.
    A scratch builder wow. We don't have that much ambition or experience.
    Will be lucky to finish a kit.
    You have built before?
  • Patrick Tresco

    I am building a 701 have the rudder finished and the right wing done the weather here in AZ is very hot now so my building is at a stand still I will really get at it next month . Nice to have you as a friend Patrick
  • Ron D Leclerc

    G'Day Terry...

    How are things in AZ... I have not been in AZ since 2007, spent the month of Feb there with my son who worked in Stockdale area there for a short time for... about 6 months. Would be nice to get bak for a visit... great country!
    Winnipeg, MB
  • Paul

    Hey Terry, thanks for the friends request. Nice to see someone else plans building a 750. Look forward to your progess.

  • Chad Haring

    Hi; I live in WIckenburg and just recently began considering a CH750 project. Would enjoy talking to you, when time permits! Chad - new member
  • Tom

    Copper state is this week end!!
    Hell I hope I don't miss it!
    I thought it was next week.
    Thanks for the heads up.
  • Jimmy Young

    Hi Terry, I I can be of any help to you just let me know. Best of luck with your 750 project.


    Jimmy Y

  • Paul Bonasera

    Hi Terry, looks like you plan on the power of chevy? let me tell you now that the plans leave a lot up to interpitation, you realy have to search to see where all the holes go. I started with the rudder then went to the fuselage, mainly because I only have a 4ft. brake and the tail needs 8 1/2 ft. and about 8 ft for the wings. I'll cross that brige when I get there. I have a few things I've gotten from Zenair (main gear legs and longerons) most of the parts are fair priced but I do have more fun building parts than goinging to work to make more money to buy parts. have any Questions I'll try to answer. HAVE FUN


  • Todd Nuttall

    Hi Terry.  Just reaching out as I'm located in Gilbert (Germann and Greenfield) and am starting the wings on my CH750.  I've completed the rudder, Horizontal stabilizer, elevator, wing slats and am nearly complete on the flaperons.  I'm taking the component kit approach.  I see you are scratch/plans building.  I'd love to meet and ask about any tips, techniques, or tools you've found particularly helpful.