martin acton


Port Elizabeth

South Africa

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
STOL CH 750, STOL CH 801
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Self unemployed, completed a CH-801 and Savannah S. I will resume ch-750 scratch build as soon as I possibly can.

Comment Wall:

  • Bill Carter


    Congratulations on your decision to join the Zenith family and build your CH750 from plans only.

    I wish you much success and hope that we may meet some day.

    Bill Carter

    American Light Sport Aircrafters

    Builder Assist Center

  • Dwayne Roos

    Hi Martin,my page is so far out of date,I'll have to get some recent pics up.Keep in touch
  • Ernest McAlister

    Hi Martin

    I also stay in SA Pretoria do you perhaps know of anybody scratch building a 750 in or around Pretoria


    Ernest McAlister


    OH, sorry. I thought you were in the US. That would probably cost too much to ship here. Thanks for the reply and good luck building. God Bless.
  • zihad mahmud

    hi martin. thanks for replying my email. i want to ask about ch750 building as we are in the same boat as i read you decided to build for the ch750.


    what are the progress that you have made for the ch750?


    anyway, nice to meet you, i am from MALAYSIA

  • Andre Levesque

    Hi Martin,

    Thank you for your comments. I have to say, you are not alone cursing those terrible plans.

    I am building a 750 and was thinking of upgrading to an 801 becasue of the type of flying I am planning on doing in Northen Quebec. I need more payload to go fishing, hunting, camping etc

    I did visit 4 builders of 750 builders in the last two weeks and all of them are all frustrated with the quality, completness and clarity of the instructions/manuals/plans.

    Their management of plan revisions is absolutely irresponsible. We are left to ourselves via this community to figure out what's the latest update and if it's mandatory, optional, etc.

    Their instructions are of poor quality and leave the builder scratching his head most of the time...-:)

    Most of the time i find very important technical assembly instructions...WAY TOO LATE  in the build ....-:)

    They should survey their customer and I bet the management of their plans/versions will be close to #1 priority.

    As soon as we post anything that's not to their liking.. (like constructive criticism) they delete the post.

    it's a sad way of supporting your customers.

    If I ran my software company this way.....I wouldn't be in business for too long. 



  • martin acton

    Hello Andre,

    I have to agree with you.
  • Jesse Hartman

    Martin.  Where the hell ya been?