Shay King


Co Kildare


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Rotax 912
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Commercial / CFI
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Retired airline pilot Airbus A330.

Comment Wall:

  • Andrew Aston

    Hello Shay,
    Hope all's well with you and yours? Good to see your on here, i'm still building slowly (family and work interject). Will you be at Sywell?
    Regards, Andrew.
  • Andrew Aston

    Thanks for the info, seems to be a problem with the .040". I know the 701SP has been beefed up in this area and I think they use .090" angle as per spar, cabin sides etc. I have not seen with my own eyes yet so pls double check. Mine fit very close and angle exactly because i made a jig from my tail which i used to shape the rear fuse, however i will replace the legs with beefier angle. Will this in turn stress the uprights? .063" maybe? We really need to see the plans from the SP guys, i wonder if anyone here will scan and post?
    Please let me know your findings, good luck. Regards Andrew.
  • Andrew Aston

    Just revisited the H6-2 bracket problem. I looked at old Newsletters, it looks like Zenair recomended .063" replacements. That makes sense as i wondered how one took an extrution of 90' and rebent to approx 80'. I will make some .063 replacements for mine tomorrow. i've spare .063" if you want me to send you two bent blanks? I leave to you to shape drill and adjust to exact angle of your own 701. let me know your postal address if you want me to send you a couple of brackets. No charge, just a wizz in SMK next time we meet ;-)
  • Andrew Aston

    Sorry, of course i meant 7H2-6 brackets, doh!
  • Andrew Aston

    I've made my replacement brackets in .063", they look ok, i will change the .040" in due course. Tip from the net - unzip the H/tail top skin to gain access. You wont release/replace the bottom skin around the brackets. I was looking at taking out a 'panel', to the ribs, and replacing with overlapping skin(as per Zenith construction standards doc) rather than unzipping the whole top skin. i've got enough .016" to re-skin.
    Regards, AA
  • Larry Zetterlind


    I've probably put 60 hours or so at least, maybe more on the airplane since the new brackets were installed. I see no problems.

  • Andrew Aston

    Hello Shay,
    Have your H72-6 brackets arrived? What is the spec of the Zenith items please? I rekoned on .063" thickness from searching the www but i would prefer conformation from a reliable source like yourself.
    Regards, Andrew.
  • Andrew Aston

    Thx for confirming. My inspector is looking at mine tomorrow, so i will have it riveted up this week. I noticed when grip pinning the stab back together one needs to strap it flat not rely on the old holes lining it up. I managed to introduce some twist until i strapped it down properly. I suppose 3.3mm holes and 3.2mm grip pins allows some 'slack'? Kind regards, Andrew.
    ps if you hear of a good 912 in your neck of the woods could you let me know please? not too worried about hours if its been well maintained and has paperwork. It seems ex GA are comming over to LAA/Micolighting and inflating prices over here.
  • Andrew Aston

    Hello Shay, how did the work on the stab attachments go? are you back in the air? Regards Andrew.
  • Bob McDonald

    I can send ski plans via e-mail. The originals were hand drawn by Rob Nelson, then converted to pdf files and CAD drawn for clarity. Elmer Webster did the CAD work. I have had no time to field test these skis, Rob Nelson lives in Wisconsin (USA) and I know he gets snow there so they should work. There is also 2 ways to construct the 1"X2" main rails. I did find no commercial suppliers for skis available for the CH750 or CH701 series... I guess if you can make an aircraft you can make skis?

  • Andrew Aston

    Hello Shay,

    Interested to know more about your Harness set up please. could you share details? i have a good photo from Sywell but would like details of specs etc.

    Kind Regards, Andrew

    My own email if required: