Chris Hoare


Denmark Western Australia


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Nearly done
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Rotax 912
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Phill Barnes

    Welcome fellow Sandgroper and happy building.


    Phill Barnes (Qld but also a Sandgroper)

  • Bill Carter

    Welcome to the family.

    I wish you the all the best with your project. If you ever get the chance to visit the Zenith factory please take the time to stop by our builder assist facility too. We are their newest and nearest builder assist facility and like to have visitors. We are right here in Mexico, Mo., not far from the factory.

    Take care and good luck,

    Bill Carter

    American Light Sport Aircrafters

    Builder Assist & Assembly Center

  • Paul Poulsen

    Gidday matey,

    I am down the south of Perth (Baldivis) for the moment. Just moved to WA four weeks ago so still getting used to the place. 

    Good luck with the kit and if you need a hand give me a yell.

    All the best


  • Allan Ronk

    Hi Chris,

    Getting lost here with all the message trail changes......? 

    Not sure about your engine weights - needs more research.  Andre seems to have gone further down the path at this stage.

    No - not yet into a build - intense research phase - which takes time.  I would like to get it all together and then hit a solid fulltime build phase.

    are you building an edition 2 and are you going via the SAAA (diff weight limit) or the RAAA?

    My experience includes a C182 and the a Taylorcraft F21B on which I did a lot of supervised work/maintenance.  Actually assembled the Taylorcraft out of the container when it got here from the states.

    Always been interested in stohls and the development over the last 20-30 years has changed the scene a lot. The only other way is helicopter but I cant see any way of acheiving it financially before I get too old!!

    The 750 looks like the only stohl aircraft that meets my criteria, side by side also means better load distribution, reliable air frame, load limits have come up over the years to make them now more useful, many aircraft in service now of the type or very similar, etc.  Engine is going to be very important hence all this.

    Also keen to utilise CS prop for both short field and slow speed "cruise" say 50 knots (avoid the loafing engine problem) - engines, I think, last and work better with an "appropriate" load - only way to vary the load is a CSU.  That now adds weight and CoG changes............more figuring....

    Also note there are not many suitable elect CS units, ESPECIALLY, for a direct drive such as the Lyc 0-233 - direct drives are much more stressful on a CS unit - power pulses I presume.

    ....and so on!

    Anyhow, its not if, its when...

    Going to fly Allan Bartons 750 over east in a few weeks or so and then also go and see the Rotec guys.


  • Allan Ronk

    I am over near Pemberton.

  • Allan Ronk


    I will be away for a week or so - is there anyone that you know who is flying the 701 in the state - I assume there are no 750s here.
