Neil Corella

Largo, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot

Comment Wall:

  • Robert Pelland

    Reallly nice toys you habve there Neil, welcome to the groupe

  • Mike Schlichtman

    Neil, My empty weight was 805 lbs. FWF & engine weigh 200#.....I don't know what it weighed before paint. I have added a few things since my initial w/b....I'm guessing my empty weight is around 820 now.

  • Chris Aysen

    Sorry for the delay. After 3:00 p.m. I'm usually away from the computer until the next day.
    Everytime I look at a 750 I wish it would have been available when I was building. It's an excellent plane.
  • Chris Aysen

    I was talking to a friend of mine last night about that plane (801). It stalls at 35 (flaps down), cruises at 110, and takes off in 200ft. Pretty impressive. Although I'm in excellent health now, at 51, you never know what the future holds. That's why light sport is important to me.
  • Dr. Edward L. Olds III

    Thanks for talking with me yesterday. I enjoyed your pictures, you are obviously pretty adept at this building thing? My EAA DAR told me not to paint my plane until he had inspected it, so I was surprised to see your's painted during construction. I also saw your comment on when your engine might arrive? When did you order it? I believe it is a Jabiru? I ordered one too.
  • Dr. Edward L. Olds III

    Glad to add you as a friend. I hope to see some of your great projects someday.
  • Dr. Edward L. Olds III

    Thanks for the response. I will be calling you to discuss this issue? I'm concerned about having to put it all together and then taking it apart again. Seems like that might cause some issues? Also need some advice on who to have paint it?
  • Waldomiro Moreira

    Hi Neil good to hear from u! Nice bird! Actualy I do have a Jab 3.3 as well! Good engine.
    Are u traveling down here? Rio de ;kaneiro is a nice place plenty of nice people and lot of fun, enjoy and take care following basic rules that you hear at hotels front desk. Take care your belongs and relax. I live in sao paulo - 40 minutes from rio thru shuttle air service. If u have available time just call me 55 11 99891842 let"s fly my cherry red bird down here!

    Our common friend Seb Heintz flew her and loved it!
    Kind regards from Brazil
  • Waldomiro Moreira

    Would say Rio de Janeiro!
  • Tom Vesely

    Wow...A+...what paint system did you use?
  • Joseph Begany

    Neil, This was one of the nicest looking 750's I have seen.  I can't believe you let it go.  Will you build another?

    Joe B

  • Joseph Begany

    Niel:    More performance?  Stall or Speed?  Certainly you knew what the performance of the 750 was before you started on the project.  Your photos show a number of aircraft.  All of them much higher performance than the 750 in speed, endurance, and altitude.  The only one that can land in less space would be the chopper.  I have flown RC Choppers for many years but never tried earning a license.  Have you flown the aircraft in your photos?  N511ZZ loks like a turboprop.  Nice looking aircraft and I am sure is very high performance.  I don't know what it is though.  N94NF looks like it might be a Rans and I am sure it moves along fairly well also.  I think the 750 will be a nice fit for me.  Good luck on your next project.  Any thoughts on a candidate?

    Joe B


    Drove to the Zenith factory earlier this year and had a ride in your CH750.  Decided I had to have an autopilot but have no information on the installation.  Talked to Jason at Aerotronics early today and he suggested I drop you a note.  Any information or photos you can share would be greatly appreciated.  I plan on going to Sun and Fun next week to meet with Jason and design a panel for my 750.  Would appreciate any photos or other info you could provide,  if you would like to get together at sun and fun let me know,  my treat.  Thanks.

      Ken Drumheller