Lee DeLano


Oakdale, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Civil Engineer

Comment Wall:

  • Terry Gallian

    Hi Lee:
    I have just started my 701 from a project I bought. I would like to see a finished airplane. We get up your way from time to time. Please let me know if we could take a look at your airplane.
    Thanks, Terry

    Hi Lee:

    My plane is now owned by a friend, Bernie Gross. He has made a number of chnges in it and not started to fly off his hours yet, as I've explained below. Stay in touch. You might want to contact James Sagerser in Chandler his plane is at Stellar at Airpark now I think. Write Jim at alaskajim@cox.net He spends his summers in AK

    I guess I'll always be a friend of Zenith builders. The rough part is that I was throuh complete with engine and ready for the last thing, hanging the wings when I became sick with lung infections which took nearly a year out ofmy life and left me on O2 and reduced activity the rst of my life. I'm 79 now and still active with our EAA chapter as well as the friend that bought my plane and tools when my wife thought I would die as the doctors had told her. Realistically I got over the plane quite easily, it wold be just too much for my condition, bet the new owner has put long range tanks in it, electric flaps (that I had started), a big panel GPS and amphibious floats. I spoke with him just yesterday at a float plane flyin at Lake Pleasant and he said he was counting on me doing some of the 40 hour fly-off after they are satisfied that everything is OK. That will be with wheels and nt floats.
    At any time you need some info or "bad" advise (ha, ha) just write me.

    Hal Rozema
    Phoenix, AZ, 85018 USA
    Phone 602-553-8181
    LD 1-800-553-8182
    Fax 602-553-8112
  • Christopher Desmond

    Hi Lee:
    It is great to hear about your terrific progress!
    I look forward to seeing you and your new airplane in Cloverdale.

    With Kind Regards,
    Christopher Desmond
  • Steve Marshall

    Lee, cold start on my rotax is also a problem. What works for me is if it doesn't start on the usual 3-4 seconds, I give the throttle a slight push and with full choke crank again. It usually doesn't start with a "little" throttle so after a few tries I back the throttle off for a normal start, wait about 15 seconds and crank again. It comes to life nearly every time with this sequence. Hope that will help you. Steve
  • Rick Lach

    Hi Lee,

    The strip in the picture is my neighbors land. He lets me use it but not anyone else. It's not to EZ to get in or out of either. It’s only 800FT with 70Ft pine trees about 1500Ft from your take off roll. Owe ya, one other thing it’s at 6500FT. Sometimes the density altitude gets to over 9000FT in the summer. That’s when I just stay in the hanger and tell lies.

    What srtip are you based out of?

    N35 26.700
    W118 16.742
  • Rick Lach

    Hi Lee,

    Of all the strips I have flown off I like grass with gravel mixed in the best. You still have to mow the grass, but the nice part is in the spring and when it rains the gravel keeps the strip from turning into a mud puddle.

    The closest public strip to here is Kernville or kern River Valley L05. If you’re ever down here you should plan a stop. It has camping and it’s right next to the Kern River if you like fishing. They also have Rent-A-Wreck cars to go to town, only two miles. If you ever get this way let me know and I’ll meet you there.

  • Rick Lach

    Hi Lee,

    I am planning on going to the Fly-in at Cloverdale on Saturday May 9th. I'll be going by Turlock to meet a friend Dan Wilde, he flies a 701 also. Would you be interested in meeting up with us and continuing on to Cloverdale? We were going to fly up on the Friday before and coming back the Sunday after.

  • Rick Lach

    Hi Lee,

    Sounds good. The general plan is I'll go by Dan's place first and from there we will go to Oakdale and meet up with you. Between now and then I'll be confirming time estimates and so on. If you need to get a hold of me it's faster if you e-mail me direct at: rick@ravenaviation.us

  • Bill W. Proctor

    Lee, would like to have you visit: I like to meet visitors at Lodi or San Andreas airport and drive over here to inspect the runway and associated obstacles. I have a neighbor whose house we need to avoid also. You can contact me by e-mail or phone. Bill Proctor 209-772-1183 billwproctor@cs.com
  • Bill W. Proctor

    Lee, thanks for the quick response; I will look forward to meeting you.
    I am planning on going to Cloverdale fly-in...If I don't go with your group I will see you there. Bill Proctor
  • Rick Lach

    Hi Lee,

    Well things are getting close enough to start making some firm plans. It's almost impossable to get me by phone so if you wouldn't mind could you send me yor phone number and a good time to call. I'll give you a ring and we can go over the details for the Cloverdale trip.

  • Rick Lach

    Hi Lee,

    Sounds great to me, the more the better. I'll just come up to Oakdale and we can go from there. We can go to Bill's place or what ever you think is EZ. I only have that quick stop in Turlock to drop off some parts befor I get to your place.

    Had a good day yesterday, took my plane down to get it annualed. It was a little windy down here, going east to west just north of Tehachapi I had an airspeed of 105MPH and a GPS ground speed of 48MPH. That is the biggest difference I’ve seen so far. By the time I got back it was two windy to land at home so I had to park it at Kernville and wait for a ride home.

    If you want to e-mail me direct it might be faster: rick@ravenaviation.us

  • Bill W. Proctor

    Lee, woops! I forgot about Mothers Day!! If you are not coming straight back I better drive up; you are still welcome to stop here if you have time. Bill
  • Bill W. Proctor

    Lee, I saw a note in the Stockton Record about a plane mishap at Oakdale. Hope it was not you or if it was hope uou were not injured. If it was your airplane can you share what happened so I can learn from it. Thanks Bill Proctor
  • Bill W. Proctor

    Lee, glad you were not hurt!! I have a complete rudder kit from zenith; you can have it for 1/2 of what ever price Zenith is charging now. I am off to Denver tomorrow and back Tuesday May 26th. I will save the rudder kit for you. If it turns out you don't need it that is ok. Sorry for the damage to your airplane. Bill
  • Bill W. Proctor

    Lee, I have the complete rudder parts set aside. I will keep them until you need them or you can come pick them up. How is the rebuild coming along? Bill 209-772-1183
  • Rick Lach

    HI lee,

    Thanks for sending my shirt back. I forgot all about it so it was a nice suprise.

    How is your airplane repair coming?

  • Perry Delano


    It was a surprise to see another Delano that is not a close relative and building a 701 as well. There are not many in Canada, Delanos that is.


    Perry Delano
  • Bill W. Proctor

    Lee, I have the parts set aside for you; the price will be 1/2 of the current price from zenith aircraft; I will check and see what the current price is. Glad your move is over. Bill
  • Bill W. Proctor

    Lee, my phone # is 209-772-1183- Bill Proctor
  • Bill W. Proctor

    Lee, looking forward to the visit. Bill
  • Elmer Webster

    I built them. I ordered up the strut yokes & barrels from Aircraft Spruce, (PN 05 06000 & PN 05 05900) and had them welded on the inboard side of the aft strut. 


  • Darren Stevenson

    Lee, Thanks for the invitation to Chapt 90.  I'm now based at Napa (KAPC).  Just getting ready to attach the wings.

    Running 912ul. Would love to see how you setup your 701.  Drop in someday soon.
