Ken Sandine

Bend, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Commercial / CFI
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Retired Captain, United Airlines. I'm flying off 600 ft gravel strip 10 miles east of Bend, OR, elevation 3500 feet. Everything about the 750 is as advertised, except build time and cruise speed. The view is fabulous!

Comment Wall:

  • Ken Sandine

    My first riveting experience netted the skeleton of a rudder. With a little help from Earl, the rear rudder skin is in place.
  • Dr. Edward L. Olds III


    Glad to hear that your method worked so well, again! I'm going to modify my system to try it.

  • David A. Wiebe


    I've got my shop pretty well set up, and when I receive the DVD's I ordered last week regarding fabrication, I'll get started on the rudder and horizontal stabilizer. I have two questions that you might be able to help me with: One is deburring. Are there some hand tools that I should purchase for this task? If you have any ideas, I'd appreciate your thought. Secondly, we touched on using Corrosion X for interior priming. I can get the material out of Hubbard, Oregon. Would you suggest I prime every interior structural part/skin, as I build?

    You thought will be appreciated.

    Dave Wiebe
  • Bruce Rose

    Ken -

    Thanks for the welcome.
    I have plans and intend to do a slow build from them.

    Bruce Rose
  • ben duarte

    ken---We were in bend yesterday next trip would like to see your plane---ben 541-943-3172

  • Lee DeLano

    Congratulations on the first flight.  Great shop pics.

    Can I land at your strip when I visit Oregon?  What are your Lat/Long coord.?


  • Lee DeLano

    Thanks for the info.

    Usually take an annual trip to see friends near Eugene, will try to plan a stop at your place when I go north.  The powered parachute EAA chapter has been coming to Brownsville, OR the last few years, great open grass field.

    Please stop by Oakdale if you have a chance, I can arrange hangar space if you need it.



  • Jock Struthers

    Hi Ken,

    I have always enjoyed your crazy "motorbike" photo!

  • Jock Struthers

    Well Ken, There is just one thing for it - get down to San Francisco airport and take a 12hr overnight flight to Auckland - its not that far really! - and there is a growing group of zenith pilots and builders scattered around the countrymto maybe visit.  You'd be welcome to call in here in Blenheim

  • Christopher Jon Brown

    have you got all 40 hours flown off. im going to mgl to see all they have and do my panel similar except with remote sandia xpnr. did you run the rubber fuel lines in the standard position.  hows the rotax heat wise, did you open the bottom of the cowl any or add a lip to the bottom.  luckily im going to see a few 750 builders in a few weeks and this should really be helpful. all apart for deburring and steel parts painting now to rivet and hang the engine and put back on gear. your plane is on my wall giving me incentive to finish each day.  enjoy the flying im ready for lots of dirt outback adventures once shes done best chris