Chris Craver


Hanover, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Less than half
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Bill Carter

    Welcome to the family.

    I wish you the all the best with your project. If you ever get the chance to visit the Zenith factory please take the time to stop by our builder assist facility too. We are their newest and nearest builder assist facility and like to have visitors. We are right here in Mexico, Mo., not far from the factory.

    That is some beautiful country that you live in.

    Take care and good luck,

    Bill Carter

    American Light Sport Aircrafters

    Builder Assist & Assembly Center

  • Russ Harris

    Hi Chris,

         I commend you on your choice of an airplane, and wish you the best of luck with your build.  Thank-you for your kind words about Montana.


  • Chris Craver

    Anyone know right quick what size ratchet straps are needed? "Santa" needs to know!
  • Chris Craver

    2x2x4 tubes have been had. Ordered tail kit, vortex generators and cortec today. 
    Won't be long now, I'll actually be doing some work!
  • Chris Craver

    Tail kit arrived today! Excellent! Should get the inventory done over the weekend.
  • Chris Craver

    Rudder skeleton done today. Start rudder skin next.
  • Chris Craver

    Final fitting of nose skin. Drilled  and clecoed. Deburring now.
  • Frederick Schutt

    Hi Chris


    Checked with going postal -  can ship to your area for approx $30.00 max



  • Frederick Schutt

    Hi Chris

    If you are interested in the corvair case -give me your address you want it shipped to and send me a check or money order for $110.00 - 80 + 30 for shipping and I'll get it off to you.

    Thanks- Fred Schutt - 76 Opossum Hill Rd.- Aspers, Pa 17304

  • jerry nichols

    Don't mind at all.  If you can sell the picture at a profit, we'll split the proceeds!

  • Frederick Schutt

    Hi Chris

    Received your check-Thanks- Will get to UPS Monday or Tuesday to ship.

    I have a question for you- are you planning on installing a 5th bearing?  If not, I have a bell housing that is cut down to size for the front end cover- could easily be packed in the same box.  Also, do you have a crank?  The crank I listed is still available.

    Thanks again -Fred