Rebecca Anne Shipman


Saint Paul, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Zenith CH 650
Project Status
Nearly done
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Your website (about your aircraft...)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Chemical Engineer, motorcycle rider, experience with working sheet steel and using bucked rivets.
Sport pilot w/ 200 hours.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Sebastien Heintz

    Welcome to Zenith.Aero!

    We look forward to meeting you at the January factory workshop.

    Happy holidays,

    Sebastien Heintz

  • Bill Carter

    Way to go Rebecca,

    Best of luck with that 650 project. I can tell from your profile that you have enough determination to do it.

    Welcome to the Zenith builders family,


    Bill Carter

    American Light Sport Aircrafters

    Builder Assist Center

  • Andre Levesque

    welcome to the world of amateur aircraft builders Rebecca Anne!!
  • Bill Carter

    Hey Rebecca,

    I hope that you and all of the other workshop attendee's will take the time to visit our facility at American Light Sport Aircrafters while you are here in Mexico.

    I look forward to meeting you and your son & daughter.


    Bill Carter

    American Light Sport Aircrafters (New Zenith Builder Assist Center)

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Rebecca

    Great to see a girl joining the Zodiac group. I can tell by how many forum posts that you have made that you will be adding regular updates for your project. I look forward to reading and seeing your progress. Good luck with your build and keep making those airplane noises. I know I do.



    Phill Barnes

  • Andre Levesque

    Hi Rebecca!!

    You sure can do it... and as for your garage !!  Don't feel bad, mine has to be cleaned out on a regular basis -:)

    Keep us posted on your progress....




  • Chris Aysen

    "making airplane noises", "feeling maybe I can do this", "cleaning the garage", sounds like your ready. Go for it. Lots of folks here with lots of helpful and well meaning advice. Good Luck!!!


  • nelson D

    congratulation Rebecca you are an brave woman we like your building crew
  • Garlen Mikolichek

    Looks like you are really getting into the building process, and you have some good help. My 601xl is based at Winsted, Mn. just west of the twin cities if you ever get the urge to look at a similar plane. Best wishes on your project.
  • Andre Levesque

    Rebecca!!  I  Really have to say :  ...nothing seems to stop you from building your plane!!

    and having your kids involved in your project is great to see. It's the best way to combine quality family time  and building perfect harmony. I have a 30' x 30' workshop and I can just imagine the challenge you are faced with in building an aircraft in your dinning room -:) 

    Have fun building!  We builders are all virtually supporting you and watching with great interest you progress.



  • Chris Craver

    Hi Rebecca.  I'm new here, just got my plans. 
    I was born in Rochester, lived there till I was 10.
    You show great determination. Hope Santa brings you that heated work space!
    Carry on!
  • David E Savage

    Hello I just received my plans and will be attending the factory workshop March 8 & 9. I can't wait. I have a 1973 Cessna 172M, and thought I'd try my hand at building a kit. I just love the zodiac 650B. Talking about a very sweet looking bird.
    Did you find it easy to start building? Any pointers.. I'm going to start the build at home then to hanger when I out grow the garage
  • David E Savage

    I think I have gone over the plans several times already, you know dreaming about it setting on the work bench then taking that first flight. If you make it to the factory on the 9th. It would be nice to meet you and your son if you guys make it up.

    The problem I have right now is I want to put one of everything in the plane, we all know that that will not work. I'd have a plane over the 1320 weight Limey with no fuel.. Lol
  • Raymond Paul

    Hi Rebecca how is the healing process with the burns you not in to much discomfort