jim miller


British columbia


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot, Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
sheet metal fabricator /canadian sheet metal champion /owner of a stainless steel and aluminum shop with cnc equipment /race car builder and driver /now flying enthusiest

Comment Wall:

  • Debra and Patrick Nesbitt

    Hi Jim from a fellow BCer.
  • Chumphol Sirinavin

    Hi Jim,

    With your sheet metal fabricator experience, your CH 701 must be fabulous.
    To build your STOL san slats, will you just leave the slats out, building the nose ribs as per plan, or you make your own new nose ribs?
    I have made mine with full nose ribs, but still months from flying. VG's will come later.

    Happy home-building.

  • Chumphol Sirinavin

    beside my '96 CH 701, I have flown in one with slat removed, plus another that has modified leading edge (nose rib shape shown in red, above). Another interesting one has slats removed and VG's installed on wings and under elevator, and another keep slats on and still trying for a good place to install wing VG's. These two planes I haven't flown yet. Each 701 I have flown has a different engine and weight from others, making it difficult if not impossible to compare. However, the good news is that all is a pleasure to fly with good maneuverability.!
    Not known to me at first, bush flying is not allowed in Thailand. We have to fly from authorized airfield only to be legal. I conclude that I can do without the big balloon tires, and the slats, to keep drag and weight down. Being greedy for wing area, I decide to keep the wing chord from slat to trailing edge, and also extend wing tips.

    Many 701's here are flying without slats and using small wheels. There is a warning, though, to watch out for Vne, since the modified 701 flies faster than standard, and some pilot just pushes for faster cruise.
    Another thing that you may find interesting is to make all trailing edges ( of slats, flaperons and wings) clean as in CH 750. I am trying to do that in this wing re-build.

    Have fun.

  • Chumphol Sirinavin


    A friend told me on the phone yesterday that with VG's on wings (no slat with big nose ribs) and under elevator, and at high power, he did 'the cobra maneuver' at airspeed below 20mph. Fascinating?

    Have fun.

  • Kevin McCune

    Hi Jim,
    My 701 wings are being made with no slats and a longer wing. This combo seems to not effect CG balance. But if you make the nose ribs longer would this not cause a problem?
    Also I like the seat back glove box and the airfoil cabin top. Thinking about it, gives you a chance to use sight gauges for fuel level....guess I'm cheap!

  • Chumphol Sirinavin

    Hi Jim,

    The extreme nose high attitude with high power was done on purpose. A kind of show off. I'd rather hear the good report of VG's on wings with slats but nothing heard so far.

  • Kevin McCune

    Hi Jim,
    Yes I'm building from scratch, at times it seems like a never ending project( like when I make a mistake like big smileys in the elevator skin:^( ) but overall I'm having a ball and learning a lot.
  • Chumphol Sirinavin


    After flying this STOL CH 701 for a while, to fly a Cessna Skyhawk seems like going back to the Dark Age ! To keep my PPL current, I have to fly some heavier plane (than 701) every once in a while. I am arranging to fly a J-3 with VG's and forget the Cessnas. In my last flight, the J-3 VG gave me a firm control right to touchdown. Another way out may be to un-register my ultralight 701, and re- register it as an experimental airplane, with higher annual fee and requires an A&P mechanic to sign each and every maintenance job.


    Jim I am adding 8 inches across my 701 cabin. any suggestions and or pics?
    thanks Steven

    we are restoring the fuselage with new skins and using new longerons from the ch750. I have dissasembled the fuse and essentially compleate frame up restoration. I am going to be starting with a new cabin floor panel that is going to copy the old with the exception that it is going to be wider at the "a" post and the "b" posts at the doorway. Same doorway, just wider across at the hips.
    I would like to see your pics when you have them available
    Steven and Tara

    Im glad to hear that I seam to be on the right path. Thanks for the information on what to look for and what changes need to take place with the wide cabin. My background is all aviation. I work for an airline in maintenance. I have worked for the same airline for over 26 years. I flew for a year as a comercial pilot for the same airline. I prefer staying home and playing mechanic. I am sick and tired of flying high and fast. I need to fly low and slow. Thats why we bought this plane. But when the plane arrived, the workmanship was bad. NOt a streight rivet on the plane. So I decided to overhaul it to more of a reasonably safe standard. Then Zenith came out with the 750 and I knew that I had to have the visability. So I am looking to the 750 as a goal to guide my restoration where I can. Cant wait to fly this thing.
    p.s. what would you charge to build a new main gear spring for me?

    Thanks for the response. I can see that when the time comes to put the airplane back on its legs I will want to have you make a gear set. zenith is so backed up with orders that I have been waiting 1 1/2 months for the parts to arrive and yet they still have not sent them. Its hurry up and wait.
    Steven and Tara
  • Ron D Leclerc

    Hey Jim...

    Did you widen all of the FWF when you added 5" to the width. How wide is your firewall now?  I'm having a problem with that narrow stock firewall and looking at addine 82mm(3.25") to the width of the FWF!


  • Ron D Leclerc

    Thanks Jim...


    What my plan is to add 82mm to the width of my FWF, starting from the front of the rear fuselage.  I will have to modify around 24 parts.  I have also added 50mm to the height af my panel and firewall!  So my firewall will be 32" wide and 26" high. My panel is 36.65" by 10.47" high.  A huge benefit is the cabin now will be 44.24" wide plus if I add bubble doors another 4"!


    One problem is I will have to make a new windshild annd main landing gear(82mm wider)... I don't expect that to presemt to much of a problem.  I guess as you have probably found out... if you are scatch building this sort of works to your advantage!  Other mods that I've planned are a longer wing(+2.5')(750 style)... no slats a wider stab/elev(full 8") an I have gotton rid of the upside down stabilizer and now have a more streamined symmetrical stabilizer and elevator!.  Also a Beany Mod will be added over the cabin area.  These are just some of the mods that I have done!



  • Ron D Leclerc

    If I'm lucky and don't make any more mods about 12 months... the process seems to take forever but ithis acrath is a whole lot of fun as compared to building from a kit.  I will know every inch of this machine when I'm finished.


    I'm building my engine at the same time also... it's a VW Type 4 2100cc with a 1.79 redrive(my own design).  It's ready to put together... I'm waiting on the final set of parts to come for my redrive.


    I'm also building 4 wheel  Amphib floats when I find time or if I get bored I switch back and forth.

    Won't be able to call it a 701 now with all of the mods!


  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim, Normand here. I'll let you know how my 701 flies as soon as I get its paperwork in order.That should be a couple more weeks. Still, I'll do more taxi runs. So far, I've seen 30mph nosewheel up, 35mph light on mains and 37-40mph no more bumps ! Elevator control seems on the heavy side, ailerons are responsive even at very low speeds.

    Keep you posted.


  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    I would like to get some info from your W&B if at all possible.

    I also have a Subaru engined CH701 and if you look at my page you may see some interesting infos as well!



  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim, Great news !

    I have an Odyssey battery..Very nice and reliable. Lots of power and light.

    It is a PC680 (150$) and is 15.4lbs. I got one starting my Subaru, a friend has one starting his Rotax 912uls and my hangar buddy has one starting his Rotax 914. You can even order a special tray to help mount it in an airplane !

    Anyway, I'll let you know how my Beanie mod turns out and I'll post pictures as soon as I start !




  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    They do work and very light too... Check the special tray that you can buy optional... very nice and specifically made for the battery...No need to design that ! I love your work !



  • John Marzulli

    Good luck with the first flight! If you get the chance, I would love to see what changes you made to my "base" POH.

    Enjoy that first flight!

  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    I remember counting down the nights...

    Enjoy !


  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,
    The Subaru is working GREAT... I heard all kind of horror stories
    About auto conversions ... Well they are only STORIES if
    You ask me ....
    It is TROUBLE FREE in fact that is the only
    Part I NEVER think about...
    It starts right up never fails.

    I just love this engine WOULD NEVER

    Hope you get the same results.
  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    This little bird of yours will work out great. When I decided on the build, I had never got onboard a 701. When it was signed off, I had never flown in one either. Altough I had 150 hours of C-150/152/172 and 200 hours of PA28-160 (Cherokee), I had still no clue of what to expect... Without knowingly trying, on a high speed taxi test, the 701 and me, we got airborne and it was such a non event that I couldn't believe it happened at all !

    After 18,5 hours (still restricted !) I can say that this little bird is more fun than the money I invested in it !!!

    It doesn't mind Xwinds, flies true, forgives (maybe too much!!!) not-so-perfect landings and is soooooo nice all around. I KNOW you'll love it, don't worry.

    As for the engine package, if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't change anything.

    So trouble free...It is TROUBLING....I got tired of expecting something to go wrong and I should of done that a long time ago... I stick the key in, crank it and go !

    You'll see. Let us know.



  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    Waiting for paperwork...Always my favorite hobby...



  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    Not to rub it in but ...What about that paperwork ???

    If you haven't gotten it yet, just call the TC office and ask if your file is OK. It maybe held because of a stupid thing or if not, it will remind them that you'd like something back in the mail...soooooooon !!!

    Let us know. We're alI behind you !



  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    I hope it comes in the mail soon... Next, you'll have to fly circle around your airport for

    25 hours alone... The first few hours are interesting (adjustments to the plane and pilot)

    but I hope they'll be as uneventful as mine. Never boring but it takes a LONG TIME to accumulate those 25 hours....

    Let us know.



  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,


    I know you would love it !!! Geeee...6.5 hours ??? I tought I did good flying 2.2 hours on friday !!!??? If you continue like this, you'll finish up the 25 hours faster than me...

    Still, I am at 21.7 and counting... What is your propeller pitch set at now ??

    Mine is 14.5 at 70% blade lenght and I get 5600rpm for takeoff... I see 750fpm single, full fuel at 55mph... My gearbox is 2.3/1. On takeoff, I get 195 oil temp, 85C water temp, 310 CHT and 1575 EGT... It all goes down to 175-180 Oil, 75-80C water, 290 CHT and 1425 EGT at cruise speed ...

    Have fun !!!


  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    Just watch for that oil temp ...When you load the engine, the oil temp goes up and the rpm goes down ... Less air movement. Getting 88mph at 4950 is really good. I try for 4700rpm with around 80mph and 5600rpm WOT at takeoff. 750-1000 fpm climb solo full gas at 55mph. At/near GW, I get around 300-350fpm... Guess those small wings can't do it all.

    Keep safe.


  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    My muffler was custom made out of stainless steel. It is a 2 in 1. the 2 cylinders on the passenger side go into 1 pipe on the passenger side of the muffler. Same for the pilot side.

    There is also a heatshield around the muffler for carbheat and cabin heating.

    I uploaded 2 new photos of what was done...The muffler is very effective: I could talk in the plane to a passenger without earmuffs and didn't have to shout!



  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    Ok thanks for the flap info. I'll try that for size next time I fly.

    Here too, weather is erratic...Waiting for blue skies and calm winds...Pictures of your mufflers ???



  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    The Beanie helped a LOT ! First, I did the VGs under the elevator and it helped to keep control of the nosewheel on landings. It retarded the nose plunge associated with the bleeding speed. Still, when the speed got under a certain point, the nosewheel would drop abruptly even if I kept full backstick.

    Now, with the Beanie I can modulate EASILY how I want the nosewheel to descend to the ground on landings. I can drop it down as light as a feather or keep it in the air for sooooo long ! Also, the stick force that I have to apply in all flight situations seems to have diminish somewhat. Elevator response seems crisper and faster.

    All in all, I would say it is THE BEST mod so far, the elevator VGS being a close second best.



    How do you find the aileron response on your bird...Mine is kind of sluggish ...Maybe due to the twin control sticks having less sideways movement...???

  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim, Ok Thanks for the infos. I will try to go to the TC office next week and show them my logbooks to get my restrictions lifted off right away. I'm asking for VFR DAY/NIGHT since my onboard equipment justifies it. What did you ask for ? I'll let you know how this turns out. Sounds like your engine/propellor is doing a great job. Still could tweak min some but for the time being, I'll stick with what I got.



    PS ENJOY !!!!!


  • Normand Lambert

    HI Jim,

    Got my CofA without restriction. Climb test : 525ft/minute at 60mph at 1200lbs Gross Weight and 28C OAT. Not bad. I got 90mph at 5000rpm (top 5600rpm) and 80mph at 4700rpm. Very happy with the results. Got 50 minutes ride to new airport with everything in the middle Green (55 lbs oil pressure, 190 oil temp, 85 water temp, 300 CHT, 1400 EGT. Just LOVE IT !!!!

    Hope you Enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine !!!



  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    Glad you made it safely after all ! Were you using SYNTHETIC oil ?

    That is what I use (20W50 summer - 5W40 winter) and it keeps the engine warm.

    Thanks for sharing your misfortune, I checked my sensors and they are all electric (no tubes). Let me know if you have trouble fiinding parts to rebuild the Subaru... I had to change the water pump on it and it wasn't as easy to find the part as I tought...




  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    Heinz Genrich has the same engine as me. EA-81 reworked for aircraft use.

    I don't know what is included but I have a gear redrive that came with it and it works real well. You can find Heinz on this site and he is located around the Toronto area...

    Check it out. Tell him I sent youfor infos... 

    You can get to me thru : thech701storm on Hotmail if need be.

    Night flying was real nice except forthe fact that I had all kinds of problems getting the ARCAL to light up the runmaw lights when the time came to land....

    Otherwise I just LOVE this bird.


  • Steven Ward

    Thank you Jim for your reply. You did a great job getting on the ground safe and sound! I really like to hear how pilots keep a cool head in an emergency and make it down safely, great job! 

  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    Glad you made it OK. My EA-81 had the camshaft reground too... I had to change the water pump last month and that went well. Only thing I did wrong is I filled the radiator with WATER only and that caused a problem on my last outing. I flew a 45 minutes flight at night to a controlled airport and had to hold short for 15-20 minutes before I could taxi back. The water overheated and eventually the safety on the overflow container cap let boilling water out ! I couldn't takeoff again and it was pitch black. Had to leave the 701 there. Called my better half, she picked me up and this weekend I have to go back to assess the problem, fix it and fly the 701 back home. 

    I suspect the antifreeze mix was less than 50/50 which caused the boilling temp to be way too low...This and the fact that I was stranded on the ground with the engine running in the 27C AOT didn't help.

    Keep me posted on your findings.



  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,
    What are your findings ????
    Can you tell me how hot your antifreeze is when flying ?
    What type of antifreeze ? I use Prestone and it is mixed 70/30
    And i'm seeing 80C to 85C in cruise.
    Hope your engine isn't too severely damaged. Let me know if I can help
    In any way.
  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,

    How is your engine rebuild going ? Any news ?

    Let me know...


  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Jim,
    I was wondering what you were up to ? Now I see !!!
    Keep posting statuses and photos !
    Hope to see this one fly soon !