Harmen van der Velden

Ware, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Rotax 912
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
working on floats for the 701
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Steven Ward

    Congrats! I can't wait untill the day it's my turn.
  • Kevin and Jackie Kellett

    Thank you for the reply neighbor! Very nice maiden flight you had there! I would love to see your airplane sometime. I am only just beginning this journey, still have a long way to go.
  • Chris Aysen

    I saw the video of your first flight. Nice looking plane. I have been putting some hours on mine. Right now I,m making a few minor changes, landing lights, GPS, etc.
    Safe flying.

  • Terry Sadler

    Moring Harman Flew the plane this am went great viedo no the site Terry thanks for the advice...
  • Peter D Miller

    Hey Harmen! Yes, i have a couple hours in it. Practiced about 7 dead sticks. Flies (lands) quite a bit different than anything else I've flown. Pretty excited about it.
  • Peter D Miller

    I rolled my airstrip yesterday. It's well drained n no wet spots if u want to drop in. My plane's in FL about 3 more weeks...

    Did u ever get out on theskiis?
  • Paul Smulders

    Hallo Harmen,


    Wat aardig van je om mij welkom te heten.


    Ben bezig met de afbouw (met hulp) van een CH 801, die ik in half afgebouwde staat kocht van een paar bouwers in Florida, waarna ik de kit nog liet checken/modificeren door de fabriek, en het gevaarte staat nu in Lelystad.


    Zelf woon ik in Wassenaar, 60 jaar, ongeveer 6 jaar PPL gebrevetteerd; ongeveer 300 uur; en jij ?


    Ben nu op zoek naar een voorbeeld van een POH (handbook); hoe heb jij dat gedaan ?


    Vriendelijke groet,

