Brian A Manlove


Burnet, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Zenith CH 650
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Brian

    What an extraordinary last name. I wont give you any flack about it as I am sure you have plenty of friends to do that job.

    Welcome to the Zodiac bunch. Hope to see some pics soon.


    Phill Barnes

  • Don Walker

    Hi Brian: I've been watching your posts with a lot of interest as I've just about finished the horizontal stabilizer on my 601XL. I've taken quite a few pics, but usually forget to post my progress. I'm surprised there isn't more guidance in the construction manual on cutting the large V in the elevator skin. Was that difficult?
  • Don Walker

    Thanks for the info Brian. I'm building from plans and kit; the fuselage kit is in my shop waiting until I finish the tail from plans. Building from plans takes WAY too long - should have bought the entire kit years ago and I'd be flying by now :-)

    The note on the plans re: the elevator cutout doesn't make sense to me. The bottom skin is shorter than the top so the same dimension on top and bottom wouldn't work. I'll cut pilot holes with my step drill and cut - very - carefully.

    I'll let you know how it goes.
  • Lee DeLano

    Just a note about the elevator trim - make sure the wiring and indicators are moving in the direction you want them to go.  I had to change mine a couple of times until it was intuitive to me - others might not like my scheme.

    Good luck, Lee

  • Vincent Demers

    Hey Brian!!

    It looksvery nice!  Only one comment tough...  From what I heard while researching different kind of paints, yellow and red are THE heavyiest colors because you need a lot to cover.  I was told to try to stick to light colors but I'm only sharing what I heard.  I know weight is a major factor for me but not for everyone.

  • Vincent Demers

    I was thinking the same thing!!  Polished aluminum underneath and a mix of polished aluminum and color on the more visible surfaces.  I just want to make sure I don't get the sun refelected in my face...  I printed out a bunch of the 3 views in .PDF (the one used for the paint scheme contest) and gave them to my wife and a few friends.  I told them that if i end up using one of the schematics, the winner gets a (I don't know what yet, but something).  LOL  We never know!

  • Andy Elliott

    I have had no problems with the landing light where it is.  Mine is a rectangular HID driving light, with the light restrictor plate removed, and it works very well. The power supply is attached to the outer stub spar and is accessible through the (removeable on my plane) front half of the wing tip fairing.  It's on the passenger side because (1) the weight out there helps minimize the left-wing-low problem for solo flight and (2) because it interferes less with night vision, IMHO.  I was careful angle it during installation so the beam crosses the centerline about 300 ft in front of the plane, which seems to be about right for landing.


  • Andy Elliott

    You can see where it is in the attached photo.

  • Larry Ward

    What happened to the "Y" part of your control stick?

  • Frederick Schutt

    Brian- what part do you need to fabricate? Some members will say i am picking on WW in classifieds. My email is

    Will discuss my WW order there


  • Larry Winger

    It was good to run into you at the Columbus airport today.  When Dave Gardea and I flew in for breakfast, we were so surprised to see a 601XL on the line.  Best of luck as you move toward the finish line in your own CH 650.

  • Dave Gardea

    It was good to meet you at Columbus this morning. Please feel free to shoot me an email at if I can be of any help. Regards, Dave

  • Brian A Manlove

    Successfully resurrected canopy!
  • Dave Gardea

    Hi Brian,

    I was looking at your pics this evening. Nice job getting the wings mounted .. major accomplishment! Your project if looking great!

    From the head end on I was trying to judge what your clearance is from the bottom of the firewall to the lip of the ventral cowl? I did not initially have enough outflow there and ran hot the first couple times up. I ended up dropping the ventral cowl with some additional aluminum side pieces riveted on the side cowling. This gave me about three inches of clearance from the firewall to the lower lip of the ventral cowl. Just something to check. If I recall you want about 50% more on the outflow than the inlets to the cowl volume-wise to the produce a nice cooling downdraft thru the heads. You may already have this .. if not, something maybe to check.

    It would be cool to fly down to your field one day from Shelbyville to visit your project. Where are you based? My email is if you have time to shot me an email offline.



  • Frederick Schutt

    Hi Brian Its been awhile- looks like you are about ready to fly.  I did get rest of my order from WW after I said I would file charges.  Ordered nose bowl from Dan W. but flanges are a poor fit at prop opening- going to take a lot of prep work to make it look good.  Did you have problems with nose bowl?  Almost a year waiting on cyl heads.  Thinking about selling corvair and using Lycoming.

    Keep in touch- Fred