John Marzulli


Seattle, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Rotax 912
Your website (about your aircraft...)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Computer Programmer
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Ken Podaima

    Congrats on your first flight!! Plane looks great.  The stearing rods are home made, based on the CH250 plans.  They work well but I had to experiment with the spring strenght, initially mine were too weak and would shimmy on the landing roll.Delete Comment
  • Joseph Begany

    Love your videos.  It surprises me that more don't use this awesome tool.  I have been working on getting my Pilots License and I tried to put a camera in the cabin but I have yet to get a good vantage point.  It is so tight inside that all I get is the back of my head.  When I finish my aircraft I will look into mounting a caera of two on it.  What a great tool.

    Joe B

  • Joseph Begany


    Looks like you are having a blast flying off your hours.  I'm kinda surprised that you have such a vast area that you are able to fly in from the FAA for flying off your hours.  There is a 701 guy on the East side of Cleveland and he has a much smaller area he can fly in as he works off his hours.  I have yet to ride in the 701 or 750.  It looks like I will be forced to go to Mexico to finally get a flight.  There are no projects in my area that are in the air yet except the guy on the East side of Celveland and he won't be ready for a while.  He is suffering from engine issues with his corvair.  Your video's are awesome.

    Joseph Begany

  • Joseph Begany


    We have a lot of small airports around here but nothing nearly as spectacular as what you are flying over.  We do have a couple of small islands on Lake Erie which have some small runways that are fun to visit.

    I rent a CTLS from the local county airport.  It has a similar envelope as the 701/750 with a little higher top end mostly because it is so clean and smooth due to the composit construction.  Still uses a rotax and stalls at 39K with 30 Deg flaps.

    Unfortunatly I have not been able to start constructing my 750 project yet but I hope to get going soon.  Once I get started I plan to keep at it till I am done.  Hopefully I can scare up a ride in a 701 or 750 soon.  It would be nice to finally get my hands on that "Y" shapped stick.

    Keep the videos comming.  They are great incentive!

    Joe B

  • Joseph Begany


    Looks like you are getting very familiar with your 701.  There is lot of discussion on the web not necessarilly on this site regarding the slow flight handling in the 701/750.  Some of it related to the less than optimal glide slope but some related to safety incidents durring low speed landings and inexperienced pilots. (Type experience that is!)   My question being, now that you have mastered the very short field landing, how would you describe the handeling of the 701 at low speed?  Apparently the safety articles refer to the inexperienced pilot getting behind the power curve durring landings and slow flight resulting in everything from bent landing gear to more catistraphic damage.  It's easy enough to do in any aricraft but seems to be a problem for pilots in the 701/750 because it has been proven to be a capability of these aircraft and they want to give it a try.  Does it seem to be a trap you can fall easilly into or does it feel like it responds naturally in the lower speed envelope?  Looks like a blast.  How cool is it to make the very first turn off!

    We don't get a lot of commentary on this site regarding the handling of the 701/750 in the air from those that are flying.  Happy flying.

    Joe B

  • Joseph Begany


    Apparently the sink rate is the part that seems to be grabbing those that haven't had the experience in the 701/750 to fully appreciate the trouble you can get into durring landing.  The report on the previously great looking 750 that went down hard in a field durring a power outage commented heavily on the sink rate and they didn't have the power to help them at the time of touchdown.

    How would you characterize the difference between the point of sinking and the point of powering along just above stall and holding altitude?  Have you performed this above the runway and does it feel solid or is it feel mushy?  I'm curently renting a Flight Design CTLS.  It isn't quite as slow but can hold just over 40N and feels OK at that speed but you do need to be on the stick.  Luckilly it responds quite nicely to the throttle.  Amazing how well the 100 horses of the Rotax kicks in at this weight aircraft.  The CTLS has an amazing glide ratio that I think helps in slow speed handling.

    Again, Happy flying.

    Joe B

  • Armin Gruber

    Dear John,
    Great flying videos, nice smooth finals and soft touch-down on gravel or sand, you are using the Sky Jeep as per its design intent. I'm full of envy watching the freedom you have in the US when flying light aircraft. Here in Bavaria/ Southern Germany you are restricted to registered airfields for your flying activities and even a low approach on a closed airfield can get you in trouble. Anyway, you've probably got a bit more space in your country than we have here. In response to Joseph's comments I offer my own experience of flying at stall speed: Having done about 400h in my 701 in less than 3 years I find the slow-flying characteristics certainly different from any other aircraft I experienced before but once one has experienced, understood and mastered the situations of loss of elevator-authority (in my case the first flight in the 701 was a solo and the first landing with flaps made me experience what loss of elevator authority means)the fun starts and the aircraft is very predictable and very safe.
    Happy flying.
    Armin Gruber
  • Joseph Begany


    I didn't realize that it snowed in Seatle.  Now I must go to the web and check out typical weather for Seatle.  I guess I thought that it typically stayed well above freezing on the west side of the mountains.  Even SanFrancisco can get snow but it isn't very typical.  My daughter has been at Berkely for two years now so I have learned a lot about their weather.  Still jealous.  Looks like a lot of fun flying up there.  There is a guy in a Highlander that gets up in the are a lot and posts videos on the Just Aircraft web site.  He is having a lot of fun in back woods locations.  He is located just East of Portland. Keep on flying safe and sharing of course!

    Joe B

  • Joseph Begany


    The "dead stick take off" guy is in Idaho.  By the way his big yellow ship is for sale.  He is busy building a second Highlander and plans to put a 914 turbo in it.  The guy that I am refering to is Steve out of Carnation, WA.  He recently built his second Highlander and put a UL 350i in it and has an ongoing thread on the Just Aircraft web site dedicated to his experience with this engine.  He has also posted a number of videos on line and tends to like outback flying.  There is another guy in the area that built a custom modified Highlander with a metal wing frame and full fixed slats like the Zenith specifically for outback flying.  They seem to spend time together in the air.  Steve is a great guy and very knowledgable.  You might  check into the JA web site, look him up, and give him a call.  They would be a great group to do some flying together.

    I am torn between the two airframes.  In all honesty I favor the Highlander over the Zentih but I can't scratch build the Highlander.  I have the plans for the 750 but I have not pulled the triger on starting construction.  Probably because I wish I could swing a Highlander kit.  I could save a fortune on scratchbuilding the 750 but I know it will take a lot of time.  For the moment I am just wasting time.  When the weather breaks I am going to fly my rental up to Michigan to check out a 701 with a Viking in it.  I am looking forward to that trip.  Perhaps that will get me off my but and commit to one or the other.

    Enjoy.   Joe b

  • ulis temos

    John, like your videos. Did you ever think of posting them on Vimeo backcountry pilot?
  • Steve Rubinson

    I like the olive paint scheme with the sharp-toothed mouth.

  • Joe Byrd

    Thanks for accepting my friend request.  I also want to thank you for your wonderful videos. 

  • Joe Byrd


    Have you ever had your aileron controls seem to be heavy during higher winds aloft?  Control is smooth and effortless on the ground, but in mid-day flight during periods of 10mph or less winds it seemed harder today.



  • jim miller

    hi john

    i got the cargo net at canadian tire  and the seats are from walmart

    thanks for the poh i used most of it .

  • jim miller

    hi john

    for the poh i just customized it for my plane , things like the engine and the prop and some of the maintanance stuff that is in reguard to my high performance ea 81 subaru engine .

    in canada we have to include what they call out of phase items such as you elt and encoder maintanace as well. I amagine you have to include those items also somewhere .the inspector is comming tonight at 4pm to look at the boots i had to install,and then i think i have to wait for the final pc of paper from transport canada before i can legally fly  .hopfully it will be here for the end of next week .

    thanks and keep up with the cool vidio ,it keeps people motivated to cary on with building


    talk soon C-GHWA

  • jim miller

    hi john

    i was told end of next week for the paper work to get to me .thats like 9 more sleeps .

  • Austin Crowe

    Hi John.  I recently bought a 701, with 912uls.  Do you think I could get a copy of your poh?  Austin Crowe

  • Austin Crowe

    ps. your videos and pictures are amazing.  I think I have looked through them all more than once!