Jeff Garrett


Louisville, Ky

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot

Comment Wall:

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Jeff
    I'm just watching some of your videos on youtube right now. I am particulary interested in the ones about driving solid rivets. Your videos are an excellent helping hand to me.
    Thankyou very kindly.

    Phill Barnes (Australia)
  • John Funk

    How did that push-pull mod work out on your aircraft?
    Are you flying with this modification?
    Was this for the ailerons only, or did you also use the push-pull tube for elevator as well?
    Do you have any more details of this mod?
    I'd like to hear from you.

    John Funk
  • Terry Phillips

    Hi Jeff

    Thank you for the photo and video of the flex hinge to piano hinge conversion. You have given me confidence for going forward with own my conversion.

    One item that I've been unsure of is the rivet size for attaching the piano hinge to the the aileron flanges. It looks like you are using A5's, but still using A4's to close up the aileron. Is that correct?

    Have a happy Thanksgiving, and please give my regard to Pat and Ted.

  • Derwin Wayne Bartlett

    jeff,  you built my zodiac 601xl B.    Can you tell me if I have 12 gal tanks or 30 gal?

    Thanks. Wayne Bartlett        N962T

  • Derwin Wayne Bartlett

    jeff, thanks for the information.  the plane is running good since bill worked on it.

    where can I get "B" to put on the wing tips after ZODIAC 601Xl also would like to get a manual for the plane, I have one fr the engine?  can I order brake pads from zenith?

    thanks,  Wayne Bartlett    808 west 14th

                 Big Spring,  Tex.  79720       432-263-2753

  • Joe Hopwood

    Hi Jeff.  I am sending an email to Joyce right now.  I was going to cc you but don't have your email.  Joe Hopwood (

  • David Krakowsky

    Hi Jeff
    I'm still interested in the fairings
    Did you get a quote on shipping to 33537?
    Is there any guarantee that I will be happy with the fit and finish of the final product?
  • David Krakowsky

    33437 correction
  • Brad Rawls

    Jeff -

    Are you making and selling wing root fairings for the 601XLB? I would really be interested in them if you are. If you could shoot me a pic and price ti my email  at I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks - Brad