Chris Sinfield

Richmond NSW


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Nearly done
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Aircrew, A&P, Airforce
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

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  • Phill Barnes

    Thanks Chris
    I asked an upholsterer for a rough price and he said if I supply the material and foam preshaped and all he has to do is cut material and sew, app $40 per panel. So if you add it up it would have been around the $250. It cost me $200 for suede and vinyl, foam $100 and about $100 for other bits and pieces like glue and thread. In the end I have saved a bit of labour and gained the ability to customise to my hearts content.

    Please post some pics of what you are up to.

  • Allan / Zenair Australia

    Hi Chris

    You need to buy some different coloured clothing or is it just tattoo on LOL


  • Phill Barnes

    Thanks Chris
    The flap in the armrest is for easy inspection of the control links.

  • Pedro Rivera

    Hello Chris
    Yes I did meant to join the Australian builders, I like to exchange information and to know people that are involved with experimental aviation. I have been busy lately , so I participate only from time to time. Thanks for allowing me to be in this group.

  • Pedro Rivera

    oops...forgot, yes I'm in The Caribbean.

  • Ian McClelland

    Ok. That would be good. What is the process for joining?
  • Darryl Legg

    G'day Chris,
    All moved now, new address is 174 Charlwood Rd, Aratula, Qld, 4309. Home phone is 0754638265, mob is the same but very poor reception here. I am still in the process of sorting out my workshop, but will then get stuck in and start pulling wings etc apart. Just waiting for the mod kit to arrive. You could probably deliver it to Amberly in your C-17:)
    I am still working in the desert, back tomorrow for another 2 weeks, 1 week off etc.
  • Russell Bell

    OK took me a few min to find where to txt you back
  • Russell Bell

    I want to ask if anyone has any pictures of how they riged the rudder and tail wheel got any ideas
  • Russell Bell

    your only a young bugger thaught you were older hmmm funny how you get a mental picture of some one
  • Russell Bell

    I see your wings are like mine finished seems wrong to have to pull them apart again (well we will have to do what we have to ) anyway talk soon misses is on the phone at the min anyway can you resend your phone number I dont know if i have it still
  • Meade A McKenzie

    G'day Chris,
    yes i do know of Barry venimore because i have purchased a half share of his zodiac with intention of full owership. ha ha so therefor im only new on the sceen. Iv done most of the new mods myself with B.V 's help and the wings will be back on the aircraft either tomorrow or the next day... will be flying it soon. Im going to try to get to natfly this year but finances may hold me back. Great to meet you mate
    Meade McKenzie
  • William Jefford Jordan

    Hi Chris,
    Good to meet you . I hope to join the ANZAC group. I believe that there are 11 remaining Czech built machines in NZ (One destroyed last year).
    There is an indefinite number of amateur built 601 XLs.
    Our machines are grounded currently pending the installation of the wing strengthening kits which only arrived about a week ago.
    Where are you up to with regard to the kit installation?
    Jeff Jordan
  • Stephen R. Smith

    Hi Chris,

    No LEDs. I just replaced my standard quarts lights with new ones because they were easy to get at while the wing was open.

  • Ian Sowman

    G'day in Oz. UPDATE ---- I have purchased a 1998 601UL kit from the South Island and it should be in my workshop in a month or so (the outer wing panels were completed 1999 then he ran out of enthusiasm). No hurry as I am still working on the Soob EA81. Also now have a Autoflight PSRU and Radiator from a Glasstar that was replaced with an O-360 for more grunt. The $ brakes are now 'ON' according to she who must be obeyed otherwise we will have no cash for our Whitsundays holiday late May....yes; I will be visiting your fair country. Cheers, Ian
  • Felipe Uribe Posada

    Hi, Chris, thanks for the comment. The closer i think i am to completion, the more little details i have to get out of the way. To be honest the weak spot of the 601 is the canopy. A few cracks on the sides that remind you how delicate the plexiglass is. has this happened to you "mate"?
    happy flying
  • Mark Joseph Chapman

    Hi Chris,
    Have just purchased plans for the CH601HD off eBay. I'm the third owner of these plans I believe, so hopefully "third time lucky" lol. So I will be scratch building the 601.
    I wont be starting just yet as I am just starting a Teenie 2, thought i would learn to walk before I run, so to speak, as this single seater all aluminium VW powered aircraft is suppose to be one of the most basic plans built aircraft to build.
    But looking forward to build a zodiac, so looking and listening as much as possible until I start the project. Cheers Mark
  • Paul Hammond

    hi chris carbon on valve seats was the main culpritwe removed no1 head ,exhaust valvecleaned and lashed 100% .bloody nuisancecarbon.test flew this morning all seems good.
  • Allan / Zenair Australia

    Yes I will do something over the next few days
  • Larry Phillip Jackman

    Hello Chris, Not on Aussie list yet.Spoke to Allan Barton just before he recieved 750 kit and was invited up to have alook.Planning on going up next weekend.
  • Russell Bell

    I used my own vents but mine are about 50mm lower
  • Rick Morris

    G'day Chris, Thanks for your comments. It has been a big hard job. I have learned a lot about aircraft design while doing the upgrade. The reason for changing to nosewheel is because I could not control the traildragger under all circumstances and as I am getting on in years, my reflexes will slow down so I will need a nosewheel to make it a bit easier for me to handle specially in cross winds. Cheers, Rick.
  • Desmond Geoffrey Burgess

    Thanks Chris for your welcome. sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Things have been a bit busy these last few months having started in a new parish. Hope your a/c is going well. I might just get back to working onmine again soon.
    PS I have had contact with MAF in the past.
  • Greg Walsh

    Hi Chris
    I only know (personally) one other builder but have knowledge of 3 others in the South Island. As far as I know they are all kit builders. There are 14 601XL's on the NZ register with 40 other Zenith/Zenair types.
    I'm just about to rivet the new extruded spar angle for the left wing so hopefully will have it done by the weekend.
  • keith bennett

    Hi Chris,


    I'm in the Adelaide Hills.. I haven't started building yet in the process of ordering the plans....

    I have only just passed my RA-A License. 

    No I haven't joined the Aussie group yet. But I will..

    Thanks for the warm welcome..

    Regards Keith

  • Graeme Copeland

    the plane is looking good chris, I have just bought the plans for a CH750. but I have to organise my workshop first.


    Graeme Copeland

  • David Peterson

    Hey Chris

    Maybe we have met - I'm in SAAA Ch 11 though I don't make many of the evenings!

    Just starting a scratch build of the 750. No doubt it will be a long road but looking forward to the challenge!

    I'd like to see your Zodiac sometime ...

  • Jock Anderson

    Hi Chris,

    What is NATFly (although I cannot get there this year) and how do I join the ANZAC Zenith Group?


    Jock Anderson

  • Phill Barnes

    It's about time you put up some new pics don't you think Chris?



  • David Peterson

    Hi Chris - I live in Naremburn. Occasional attendee at SAAA Ch 11 events. Just starting a 750 scratch build.

    I'm also a fan of the Zodiac so I'd love to see your 601. Can't make Natfly this year unfortunately.

  • David Peterson

    I should also mention I'm planning to work together a bit with Rob Hilliard, whom you may know. He's also building  a 750 - in fact he has made a start and I'm hoping to catch up by riding in the slipstream of his experience / experimentation (e.g. bending brake!) and plain hard work. Lazy me! ;)

  • Robert Emery

    Hi Chris,

    Love the decals.  My neighbour Phil Hale is also building a Zodiac ch 601 XLB.  He is almost at the same stage.

    I know Eddie Seve.  His talk at Temora on the Jab 3300 was most enlighteneing.  I think I will do the mod to replace the push rods and lifters. I intend to ring Jabiru tomorrow.

    Regards  Bob

  • David Peterson

    Hey Chris, I think that's your aircraft featured on Zenith's Facebook page .. well done!
  • Gary Ray


    I have a Dynon D-10A,SV-32 roll servo, SV-32C pitch servo, Dynon HS34 to connect my King KLN-90B GPS connected thru the ARINC data channels(Dynon com speed set to slow). The HS34 allows you to set the heading bug, altitude, and baro.  I track a GPS course, Heading bug, or GPS Nav for flight plans and it climbs/descends to altitude bug.  Calculated winds aloft are shown on the HSI page display.  Dynon sensitivity in Roll and Pitch is set to 25 (highest).  In thermaling environments, with +- 200 feet in 10 seconds or more I still would hand fly the altitude as the aircraft has to pitch down and up changing airspeed to hold altitude. Without throttle control it is less desirable.

    The best picture of the roll servo's and mounting brackets and location are on the Dynon Forum site with pictures of a  601XL getting the AP installation.  These helped a lot but I found the pitch Capstan Servo did not have the required  amount of space for the bridle cable to move full travel so I mounted mine below the mid-baggage deck hanging upside down.  The cables pass here at a convenient height on longer runs.  Access was easier due to the service door on the bottom of my fuselage.  I added an additional cross brace to sitffen the floor of the baggage compartment.  I used a wire terminal strip to combine the power, ground, A & B data bus wires that are common to both servos in the rear.  Up front I made up a mini data bus connector from a DB15 d-connector.  Connecting the top row pins to Data A and the bottom row of pins to Data B.  This way I can add or disconnect devices easier.  Over all a very easy installation and calibration.  Also you need a small momentary on push button switch to dissengage/engage the autopilot either on the stick or convenient on the panel.DSC04406.JPG

  • John Duncombe

    Hello Chris,

    Thanks for the message.

    I started building the 601 but opted for the upgrade to the 650 plans.

    I had the rudder 90% complete, and you guessed it that is one of the only changes to the 650.

    I have recently brought a 4' brake and guillo but have not spent any time on it for the last 12 months due to family stuff.

    I hope to get back into it soon.

    Yours looks great, Howw is the spar upgrade going?




  • Peter Lalor

    Hi Chris,

    W&B came in empty 762lbs (346kg) with CG at313.

    Calculated fully loaded with me, wife, 20lb baggage and full fuel 1228lbs (558kg) with CG at 413.  Luckily the MOTW is now 600kg !!!

    It is very easy to fly and land.  regards  Peter

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Chris

    Thanks for your comment on my paint scheme.

    How are you progressing with your aircraft lately.



  • Darryl Legg

    Hey Chris

    Hows your plane progressing? You should be able to land it at Amberly, no.......?

  • Lee Grandja

    Hi Chris

    After few years on hold I have decided to continue with my build which have purchase the 601xl plans in 2004, I just need to see the changes/updates that have been implemented.



  • Tim Sutton

    Thanks Chris.




  • Raymond Woods

    Hi Chris. I purchased my aircraft from David Barwick in Canberra in January, have to do wing mod and complete engine selected as yet. If flying near Mittagong give me a call first and drop in, the airstrip is only 10 minutes away,  0402454261,  0248623545

    Regards Ray

  • Russell Bell

    Hi Chris long time on hear i spent a lot of time in hospital last year anyway I am in the final stage of the build well I have finished the build now I am finishing the interior and I have all the paint but need a friend to pain tit so it will be before the end of the year anyway I figure you have finished let me know regards Russ

  • Russell Bell

    one other thing this picture of me is old I have purt 20KG and look heeps better regards Russ

  • Russell Bell


    One other thing Chris can you ask around any one that you might know that has a

    0-200 continental I need to find out what will fit under the cowl zenit want $1650 for the system and I don’t even think its stainless let me know mate also will you be going to Bendigo later in the year I hope to be there with my 601 talk soon Russ

  • guido meens

    Hi Chris yes i bought another 601 XLB from Dave Graham 19-5466 jab 3300 engine After the sale of my first XL i had a spell for about 12 months and then bought an Alegro 2000 Sorry to say the worst mistake i ever made I flew one here in Busselton and tought i liked it and got one from Qeensland but quickly found out that it was not what i wanted I sold it and had a break but could not forget my first XL flipping through the ra aus magazine i came across 19-5466 and the rest is history so to say. i just love it, having flown several others they are hard to beat and i always enjoy it every time i take it out. So there is your answer Hope all is well with you ...are you still flying an XL ?? Regards Guido
  • Russell Bell

    Hi am in the states at the min hows it going will  be here for another month  do you need anything while Iam here I have all the time in the world I have an order at spruce  which I will smuggle back in my bags there isn't anything on while I  am here fun in the sun is on the week after we leave so this is going to be a cheap holiday and I don't need much to finish the plane  anyway let me knowif you need anything regards Russ

  • Christopher barker

    Hi Chris,

    I know of one in SA at Goolawa, about 400km from Port Augusta. His 601 XLB is flying. have email him a few times, think he works away, long time between email. I have also been giving Allan at Bendigo a hard time.I have the wings, tail ,fuel system,control system ordered and pay for before the Aust dollar crashed, still cost $220 more. but will cost a lot more for fuselage, if Aust dollar stays were it is. one can only hope the green back falls 10c. We will see, regaurds chris B.


  • Raymond Woods

    Hi Chris, I have had 3 months off with a broken collar bone but just started back.

    About to close up the second wing then will get back to the fuse with a little help from my son when he comes down, he is a Airbus engineer.

    Regards Ray

  • Mirko

    Hello Chris. Are we flying wththe birds yet?

  • Richard John Sugden

    He's very helpful, I'm currently getting in his way as he assembles a cruzer, learning heaps.

    I also know Richmond very well of course. I can remember as a small kid wandering the base which had wonderful a/c parked everywhere, gooney birds each with "very savage" (I was told) German Shepherd dog tied to it. Mustangs and all sorts.

    regards Richard