Larry W. Sward


Lexington, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
CH 750 Cruzer
Project Status
Just started
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Commercial / CFI
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Mechanical engineer. Have had pilots license 48 years
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

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  • Chris M. Brammer, Jr.

    Hi Larry..... Thanks.  I’m using 2 Apple iPad Air 2’s WiFi to Levil Aviation 2AW.

  • Larry W. Sward

    Was not happy with abs plastic tips. After a little testing on some scrap plastic, found it would fatigue cracking quickly. Due to big variation in thickness, it was pretty flimsy where rivets installed so anticipated it would break in short order. What to do??

    Bought some 1" wide kevlar tape from fiber glastonbury inc. 30 ft roll, $27. Also found it at Jamestown boat supply for $16.

    Attached to inside of tips along rivet line. Adhered with 3M77 to make it adhear to plastic. Rough up plastic with 80 grit to give it a tooth to hang on to. Then a plied 3 coats of cynoacrilate (super) glue. Bough in a 4 oz bottle for $16. Apply to kevlar by rubbing it in with a nitrile rubber glove on hand. Let it really soak in to kevlar. Wait 5 mi utes between coats. Then drill out for rivets.

    After fully cured, tested on scrap plastic. No fatigue cracking! Really strengthens the tips, adds about .011 thickness to plastic.

    Much improved and am satisfied now the tips won't cracking out. The 3M77 and super glue have excellent adhesion to plastic. Be sure and rougher up with 80 grit before applying kevlar tape.
  • Darren Weston

    Hi Larry

    i need to see if the Viking is approved in the UK, I have emailed them and they will ship a kit less the engine so I can buy in the UK. If the 912 isn’t suitable I may have to re think.

