Terrence "Dr. Terry" Hall


Benton, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
CH 750 Cruzer
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Just starting on the trail of building a STOL 750 and already switched over to a Cruzer because I have landed on grass two times in my life.
Private pilot and Senior AME
Actual start date was 10/16 rudder class, Mexico, Missouri
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

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  • Bob Turner

    Dr. Terry.  My cell is 830 258-3527.  Give me a call about any time between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.  I would be glad to talk about the 701 or the 110 Viking.

    Bob Turner

  • Donald Lynam

    Humbling is an understatement, but educational is also true. Every time I finish something I realize that I could have done it faster/cheaper/better!  Looks like you are getting very close to 1st flight on your project. Right now I am working on the cabin doors. I have the new version, and the plans/photo guide is let's say lacking... Did you build your with the new style doors? If so, do you happen to know what the rivet pitch is that holds the bubble around the frame?

  • Robert Riat

    Hi Dr. Terry,

      I am just curious if you were able to get a little smaller size tundra tire or how you got one a little narrower?  I have been flying my stol 750 since a year ago in May with 120 hours on it and my front tire rubs on both sides, mostly in cross wind landings,  Higher air pressure seems to help a little.  Doesn’t really bother me much, just isn’t right.


    Robert in Kansas