Patrick Hoyt

Dallas, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
CH 750 Cruzer, ZODIAC XL
Project Status
Building From
Partial kit
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
N63PZ appears on the cover of January 2015 issue of Experimenter, with story.

Was also the plane used in advertising for Falcon Insurance, and for EAA Lifetime Membership ads.

N63TZ is a 750 Cruzer that I am building from a kit.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

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  • David Krakowsky

    Hi Patrick

    the fairings worked out well

    way too time consuming to make them myself

    purchased them from Jeff Garrett on the forum

    needed to fill some pinholes and prime and paint them

    pop riveted them in with washers under the head of the rivets

    use a heat gun to get them to conform to your wing/flap area BEFORE


    Quite satisfied


  • Terrence "Dr. Terry" Hall


    Thank you for the information about Viking 130 shutoff. The check list was also very useful. I will probably steal both from you but not without a thank you.

    Could I pick your brain sometime about Phase I testing and preparation.

    My email is

    Dr. Terry Hall

  • Michael Mccarthy


    My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on ( ) for full details.

    Michael Mccarthy.