Jerry "Sonny" Webster


Fenton, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Zenith CH 650
Project Status
Less than half
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Your website (about your aircraft...)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Education: BS in Mechanical Engineering - 1988, MS in Engineering Science - 1995. Worked as engineer at General motors for 10 years then 10 years at Chrysler in multiple product, service and quality roles. Left the industry to pursue an unrelated entrepreneurial opportunity in Texas. Became a private pilot in 1990 followed by an instrument rating in 1993. Expense priorities of family life made it difficult to justify the cost of flying. Have been entertaining a homebuilt for several years as a rewarding hands-on technical task then ultimately a great adventure vehicle. After extensive research and learning (mostly at Oshkosh and on the web) I finally committed to the purchase of plans for the CH650. Time will tell whether I have "the right stuff" to see this through. I'm not disillusioned about the time, effort and skills required so my goal is to fly my plane to Airventure 2020.

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  • Paul

    Hello Jerry, let me know if  I can help with anything. I have slowed down on my build (hot). I will be getting back at it in a couple of weeks.

    What part of Houston do you live?

     Thanks for the friend requst.

  • Paul

    Meeting for breakfast sounds like a great Idea. I have a flight sceduled for this Saturday morning. I could do Sunday or next weekend. I live in the NW both 290 and BW8. 



  • David Robbins

    Thanks Sonny,

    Are you scratch building or kit building?