Gary Motley


Westminster, CO

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
CH 750 Cruzer
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
UL Power
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Commercial / CFI
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Completed a Sonex.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

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  • Peter Skedsvold

    Gary:  Can you please tell me the make of your 360 camera ,and also if there is another 360 that you like better.


  • Allan Gratia

    Ok, thanks. 

  • Joseph Millette


    I am building a Cruzer, and was told to talk to you about your experience with the Viking 130 and why you swapped to the UL Power? I have been banging my head on which to install in mine. The price of the Viking is very attractive, but if there is any reason I should stay away from it, I am all ears. Thanks
