jeff herman

Perkasie, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Purchased finished aircraft
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
operating engineer
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • jeff herman

    eh he
  • Jock Struthers

    Thanks for the nice comments re the paint scheme.  I was experimenting my self with similar concepts to try and reduce the box shape of the fuselage when I saw something similar on the website and went from there

  • Thomas Brannan

    Hi Jeff.  Thanks for reaching out to me.  I have been disassembling fuselage to incorporate the B mod.  Uncovered a couple of mistakes to repair to be in accordance with the drawings.  Having fun.  I would like to see your plane sometime to see how some things go together, if you wouldn't mind.
