Terry Pender

Fenton, MI

United States

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Flying Experience
Private Pilot
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  • Roger L Vavra

    Good Morning Terry I went out to the hanger yesterday and got the information on the weight and balance. I also went flying and took up a friend that is building an HDS.Main wheels 312 and 310. Nose wheel 250. Total 872. The pre upgrade was 286 and 285 mains and 272 nose. Saved 22 lbs on the nose by going light weight. Added 51 lbs on the mains. When I did the upgrade I also added the rear hatch on the bottom of the fuse and added dieangle bracing in the rear fuse. The air was really smooooooth yesterday. It was the first time my friend had flown in a 601 and he was really impressed. Gave him a shot in the arm to get going on his project.  Have a great day Roger
  • Chet M. Kruleski

    Hi Terry, send me an email at chetkru@aol.com, I would like to talk with you about your project. Thanks, Chet
  • Jerry "Sonny" Webster

    Hello Terry.  I received your email regarding the EAA meeting tomorrow but I have plans for Valentines dinner with my wife and daughters.  I did see your plane on the ramp at Linden a while back when I was out flying with Tim Brooks, very nice.  I live just south of Linden Airport and look forward to speaking with you about your build experience.  My project has been on hold since moving back from Texas but hope to start doing a few small tasks once it warms up a bit.  I will give you a call soon.

