I have a Dynon D-10A,SV-32 roll servo, SV-32C pitch servo, Dynon HS34 to connect my King KLN-90B GPS.  I connect thru the ARINC data channels(Dynon com speed set to slow). The HS34 allows you to set the heading bug, altitude, and baro.  I track a GPS course, Heading bug, or GPS Nav for flight plans and it climbs/descends to altitude bug.  Calculated winds aloft are shown on the HSI page display.  Dynon sensitivity in Roll and Pitch is set to 25 (highest).  In thermal environments, with +- 200 feet in 10 seconds or more I still would hand fly the altitude as the aircraft has to pitch down and up changing airspeed to hold altitude. Without throttle control it is less desirable.

The best picture of the roll servo's and mounting brackets and location are on the Dynon Forum site with pictures of a  601XL getting the AP installation.  These helped a lot but I found the pitch Capstan Servo did not have the required  amount of space for the bridle cable to move full travel so I mounted mine below the mid-baggage deck hanging upside down.  The cables pass here at a convenient height on longer runs.  Access was easier due to the service door on the bottom of my fuselage.  I added an additional cross brace to sitffen the floor of the baggage compartment.  I used a wire terminal strip to combine the power, ground, A & B data bus wires that are common to both servos in the rear.  Up front I made up a mini data bus connector from a DB15 d-connector.  Connecting the top row pins together for Data A and the bottom row of pins for Data B.  This way I can add or disconnect Dynon devices easier.  Over all a very easy installation and calibration.  Also you need a small momentary on push button switch to dissengage/engage the autopilot either on the stick or convenient on the panel.DSC04406.JPG

I have connected my tablet or phone running AVARE flight software thru a bluetooth to serial dongle which connects to the Dynon HS-34 thru a serial port.  Most of the time I have the system fly a GPS Track or a Compass Heading one leg at a time.

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Comment by David Gallagher on June 20, 2011 at 12:57pm



I also found the Dynon A/P pretty easy to hook up.  Unless the air is pretty smooth, I don't use the altitude function much.  I can tame the rollercoaster by hand easier that George can.  I used the A/P for about 70% of my 8 hour round trip flight to Oshkosh last year.  Was pretty sweet watching it to the work.


Good luck,



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