Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Added by Jock Struthers 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted on October 31, 2011 at 9:55pm 3 Comments 2 Likes
Six years after ordering my kit from CZAW, ZK-ZMX finally took to the skies with test pilot Jerry Chisholm at the controls.
Omaka airfield owned by the Marlborough Aero Club is a little too big for this aircraft .I'll get closer for better shots as soon as I can
Posted on September 28, 2011 at 5:30pm 5 Comments 0 Likes
I am about to have my 701 finally inspected - next week I hope and have been calibrating fuel tanks, fuel flow etc and am a bit worried about the amount of residual fuel left in my tanks when simulating a downward pitch.
I have built a Czech Kit with the supplied fuel tanks - a bit larger than the American ones being longer at the "thin" trailing wing edge end. They hold 45 litres full and have the fuel outlet at the back inboard corner as with the "normal"…
Posted on October 24, 2010 at 6:27pm 11 Comments 0 Likes
I am interested in the options / best way to seal the firewall around the nose wheel control linkages to keep out any potential fumes etc. while providing for the movement.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
Posted on February 10, 2010 at 2:00pm 8 Comments 0 Likes
Having sent in a few photos recently of my first attempt at spray painting the tail sections of my 701, I have been invited to commence a blog on the subject. I’ve never done a blog before – nor built a plane for that matter, so here goes:…
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Hi Jock,
Thanks for your words...It feels worse than it looks... But SUMMER is coming.
Last week we saw temps on the PLUS SIDE of the thermometer !!! Best news yet !
You have it good down there...Lucky !
Congrats on the Healthy Bastards STOL competition! Pretty impressive stuff on 80hp! Wish I could fly mine over to NZ to join you next time. I do have friends in Havelock North, so someday I'll see your beautiful country.
Not much flying in Ohio this winter. Record snowfall and record cold. Spring seems a long way off.
Thanks for the tours of New Zealand. You have, in my opinion, one of the nicest paint jobs on a 701.
It's fascinating to me how photos from a New Zealand source bring back memories. In 1987 my wife and I stayed in Nelson at a B&B and met another person with a "Kenton" first name. He happened to be from Seattle, Washington, USA. Now, you, a Zenith pilot from a neighboring town, renew fond memories of your country and its' south island with a geographical photo image, and give me an opportunity to relive that pleasurable experience. Thanks! KENTON, Bend, Oregon, USA
thanks for the welcome Jock it will be based at RT Rangiora stewart buffton has one there (LSB) and there is also a chap called Allister has one flies out of his back yard not far from RT. I had to go all the way to Seattle to get mine what a trip but worth it how do I join the nz chapter would love to get invloved. p.s. I also have coming 10 tires 21x8x6 tundra 4-6 gone allready I have not worked out price yet but will be around 150-200 tire and tube
Yes I am new to ch701. I bought it from John Lowther in Timaru. John is putting dual controls for me. I think the aircraft will be ready next week and I am going to fly it back to Motueka when we get a break in the weather.
Why paint the bottom of the fuselage?
I type with 2 fingers...the left is a dedicated "shift key" operator.
You accidently erased a mornings work :>) I am also not a computer wizard, but picked up a few tricks on computers also while working with Mark Townsend.
Between workin 5 days on Angus Watts CH750 (I was practicing on his so I could build mine!) and 5 weeks on mine I have spent around 6 weeks working 7 days / week @ 12-14hrs/day working at Can-Zac this winter. Its 500km from my house to the Kitchener shop one way... so I try to stay at least 3 - 7 days when I go down there.
In the Zenith News Letter DVD its my CH750 in the crate while Angus Watt is building his. About the time one CH750 comes back from paint another is started. The last week I was there there was 3 CH750's, a CH701 and a CH801 all being worked on in the shop. Lots of other builders to talk to... pick ideas from... and being located at an Internation Airport there is always a high performance aircraft taking off or landing to distract you from building. Mark is like a Orchestra Conductor moving from builder to builder...watching & coaching. At least once a day he passes over your project with the dreaded "Purple Sharpie" circling rivets he wants re-done... like a teacher grading your paper. A fantastic experience for a newby builder. I have been flying since 1975, owned a C-172, rented aircraft, flew 480 hrs on a Challenger Ultralight with Amphib floats and skis, and I also fly a CH601HD with Rotax 912.
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