On my Champ the engine stops in a position that puts the left-hand blade of my wood prop (when facing) raised at about a 45° angle.  That is helpful when you have to hand prop it but for storage you have to pull it down to level.

Since you can't hand-prop a Jabiru, do you mount the prop so it is naturally near level when the engine stops? Just curious.

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I mounted my prop in a manner that was said to stop horizontal "most of the time."  That sounds like the best way to go in our case.  I would say I have been successful as it seems to be horizontal maybe 75%-ish of the time.  So how did I mount it??  After 18 years I have plumb forgotten.  So until I can get to the airport and try to remember to see how it is installed, I googled the question and found this in a jabcamit group:  "When you fit the prop.....Stand in front of the prop looking back towards the flywheel. Position the flywheel so that the magnets are vertical. Position the prop so that it is located in the prop guides that give it an 11.00 o'clock position. It should now stop in the horizontal."

Tuck that answer away for now and I will try to get back with you before the next millennia.  :-)

Dave Gallagher

Hmmm..... when you have three magnets how does that work?


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