We've had lousy flying weather in Mexico, Missouri lately (which is really not that typical), so when the sky looked OK this morning Roger and I pulled out the upgraded Zodiac XL for a pleasure flight...
Here's the video:

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Post upgrade, our red and white Zodiac flies the same as before. It's a little quieter due to the extra L-angle stiffeners in the rear fuselage and top and bottom rear wing skins, though also a few pounds heavier.

Let me know if there's anything you'd like us to record on video the next time we go flying...

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Comment by rolfe benson on February 1, 2010 at 2:37pm

My 601XL,with a 912 Rotax and Czech firewall-foreward kit weighed 696lbs. After ballasting to correct the CG the weight was 745lbs. With paint and a transponder added it now weighs 768lbs. I dont want to add any more to it.


I never did get an answer on the location of FR-4 for Data location. Is it inboard or outboard of the fuel tank? Also what was the weight of the updated demo aircraft?
Comment by Jim Snyder on January 31, 2010 at 1:10pm
Chris: The red “button” is actually an alternator warning light.

Steve: On December 31, Mathieu posted, “The Zenith 601XL total aircraft weight difference was 31 lbs. They added the diagonal L angles in the rear fuselage as the 650 has but that probably is only a few lbs. I believe that the first AMD upgraded aircraft was about 25 lbs more. To really know, the aircraft needs to be weight just before and just after the upgrade. Switching the lights to the LEDs saves about 2-3 lbs.”

The advertised empty weight of the 601XL/650 is 695 lbs. Where did your extra 105 lbs. come from, or am I missing something?
Comment by rolfe benson on January 30, 2010 at 1:10pm
At the Sebring Zodiac seminar I wanted to find out if the weight and balance work sheet reference to FR-4
meant the early rib #4 which is inboard of the wing fuel tanks or the later rib#4 wich is outboard of the wing
fuel tanks and is further out with the 15 gallon tanks. I also wanted to know the dry weight of the upgraded
demo aircraft. Waiting for answers. Rolfe Benson, Zodiac XL #6295
Comment by Chris Sinfield on January 29, 2010 at 3:08pm
OK I give up whats the red button on the dash for?
Comment by Alan on January 28, 2010 at 10:19pm
Very uplifing to see the 601xl fly again. I too would like to see a "demo flight" to highlight the performance numbers and capabilities of the aircraft.I'm half way thru the upgrade mods and can't wait to get in the air [the the first flight] Cheers Alan
Comment by Scott Laughlin on January 28, 2010 at 9:03am
Awesome. That made my day! Thanks for sharing!

Scott Laughlin
Comment by Jonathan Porter on January 28, 2010 at 12:32am
After 20 mins we have seen a few seconds... I appreciate that video is easy to load and watch in most of the world - and must be fantastic - but is it possible to have a downloadable version - some of us have internet connections that do not allow us to see streaming video - perhaps at a lower quality (target file size below 1Mb, if possible). Thanks...
Comment by TOM LOFTIN on January 27, 2010 at 11:03pm
Please tell us how much more a few lbs is. Thank you, Tom L.
Comment by Scott Thatcher on January 27, 2010 at 7:58pm
Sebastien... you and Roger looked like you were having a ball, but what was all that white stuff on the ground? We don't see much of that in South Florida, except in the Sarasota area (white sand).
Comment by Phill Barnes on January 27, 2010 at 7:36pm
Thanks guys. That's an awsome movie and very motivating.


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