I've just returned from a short trip to Brazil to visit the Zenith Aircraft dealer AVIAÇÃO Brasileira Ltda.

One of the highlights of my trip was the opportunity to fly Waldomiro's recently completed STOL CH 750 (called Cherry Red) in Atibaia (São Paulo). 


Here's a video clip:

The kit-built STOL CH 750 is powered by the Jabiru 3300 engine housed behind a sleek custom fiberglass cowl. Below, I'm taking off in the CH 750 as Roberto Brito taxis his STOL CH 801:

Here, Roberto takes off in the STOL CH 801 from the packed dirt strip:

Here I am with Jean (John) Mikellides, owner of Aviação Brasileira Ltda., the official Zenith Aircraft dealer in Brazil, located in Sorocaba (São Paulo):

This is Jean's STOL CH 701 that he built for himself from a Zenith kit (powered by the Rotax 912S). 
Click the photo for a walkaround video clip of this STOL CH 701 aircraft.

Jean is very well organized in his workshop to hold monthly "rudder assembly workshops" just like we do here at Zenith Aircraft.  Click here for workshop photos from Brazil.   Click the photo below for a Video Clip of Jean walking you through his workshop:

The Brazilian aircraft fleet is one of the largest around the world, with more than 10,000 aircraft flying, and the fleet continues to grow thanks to a strong economy.  There is a light aircraft category similar to Light Sport Aircraft, and the "amateur-built - experimental" category is thriving in Brazil.

Below, my brother Mat (left) and me with Jean Mikellides and a completed rudder assembly.
Thanks for the great hospitality in Brazil!

For additional information about the hands-on workshops:


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Comment by Clay E Hollenback on December 29, 2010 at 1:16pm
I really like the Red one as well James.
Comment by James Cameron on December 25, 2010 at 7:51am
The red 750. I posted that scheme almost 2 years ago and called it the belair zenvair. I'm happy somebody liked it.
Comment by Sebastien Heintz on December 23, 2010 at 8:31am
James: which one? The 701 or 750?
Comment by James Cameron on December 23, 2010 at 8:25am
Another paint scheme to add to my portfolio.  :)
Comment by Mike Ethridge on December 17, 2010 at 1:30pm

Great stuff thanks.

Comment by Sebastien Heintz on December 17, 2010 at 10:41am

The custom cowl was hand-made by "Elvis" (my copilot in the video).  They're having a few cooling issues that they're currently working on, but it's a new installation (and it's about summer in Brazil right now).  Once completed we can look at importing the cowl and making it available to those interested...  Elvis is working on a few "speed" fairing as well which we can make available.

I'll see what information I can find out about the custom seats.

Comment by Todd Nuttall on December 17, 2010 at 10:27am

Sure would like to know more about both the seats and the custom cowling and fairings.  Can Waldomiro provide some details?

Comment by Mike Ethridge on December 17, 2010 at 4:16am

Thanks for sharing looked like a fun trip with some quality aircraft. Sebastian what are the chances of this cowling and speed fairings being available to us in North America? I would think if they work as well as they look a lot of folks would be interested.

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