Updated X-Plane Flight Simulator Files for Zenith Aircraft

February 14, 2013 Update:

We've posted updated X-Plane flight simulator files for both the STOL CH 750 and now for the Zenith CH 650-B!  The new files take advantage of great new flight simulator technology and are optimized for X-Plane X (version 10.20) which now support 64-bit computing power!

Let us know what you think!

Download the aircraft files:



Here's the original post (from April 2011):
The X-Plane files for the STOL CH 750 are here!

X-Plane is the leader in flight simulation software, using "virtual wind tunnel physics" to realistically simulate the real thing. I haven't had a chance to "test fly" the simulator yet but I hear that they are excellent.  Please post your comments and feedback here so that we can continue to develop and fine-tune the files.

Next, we'll plan to "install" new engines in the STOL CH 750 simulator, such as the ULPower and Jabiru engines, so that you can test fly the same STOL CH 750 airframe with the different powerplant choices...

Note: We supply the X-Plane files strictly on an "AS-IS" basis, with NO WARRANTY, express or implied.  To be used for recreational purposes only.  Obviously, these files are no substitute for proper flight training.


A few screen shots:

Views: 23029


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Comment by Rafael Cortes on March 23, 2019 at 11:44pm

For whatever is worth, I was able to convert the Zenair CH 650 S-LSA version 1.1 that was created for X-Plane 9 into X-Plane 11 by converting to X-Plane 10 first, and then 11. It is not without glitches, but it is flyable. I am a total newb in X-Plane, but I was able to figure it out and it flies so it is doable. Hopefully someone more experienced can tackle it and make it better. I would love to see it VR compatible, but I don't think that is going to happen.

Comment by Ken Vargo on June 9, 2018 at 12:32am

Is there any Zenith aircraft that will work in X-Plane 11?  Looking for 801-SD or 750-SD

Comment by Timothy Aanerud on August 30, 2017 at 10:56pm

Is there an update to the aircraft models for X-Plane 11?  Version 11.02 complains bitterly that 'perhaps they are an older version'.  I think what needs to happen is the aircraft file needs to be opened in version 10, and then saved down as version 10.  Then open in version 11 and saved in version 11.

Comment by Jerry Graf on February 14, 2016 at 2:33pm

In this post, it is mentioned.......

Next, we'll plan to "install" new engines in the STOL CH 750 simulator, such as the ULPower and Jabiru engines, so that you can test fly the same STOL CH 750 airframe with the different powerplant choices...

When is this gong to happen or has it already - I am looking for the UL Power 350iS engine files.  That is what we have in our plane.  We are also installing an Avilution panel which I plan to get from them as they support XPlane. We are Beta testing for them - some really cool stuff!!

I have kids from 6 rural high schools building our plane and the goal is to have all the same components that we have in our plane into XPlane - then the kids can learn to fly their airplane before even leaving the ground - a huge safety and learning factor built in before they actually fly the airplane!

You can see progress on our FaceBook page at Aviators By Design or go to our web site aviatorsbydesign.com to see the program.

Blue Slies!!

Comment by Jeff Preou on October 3, 2013 at 8:09pm

Any chance of an FSX / P3D port of the 650 for those of us running one of those platforms; especially those that are considering purchasing a kit in a year or so (hint hint!)

Comment by Zenith.Aero on August 14, 2012 at 5:17pm

Read a review and see additional screenshots of the CH 650:

Comment by Zenith.Aero on March 19, 2012 at 10:38am

Work has begun on building the Zenith CH 650 cruiser for the latest version of the X-Plane 10 flight simulator program, which will allow you to fly your favorite plane with unparalleled realism and accuracy.

Comment by Sebastien Heintz on October 14, 2011 at 9:32am

Here's a clip from YouTube of the X-Plane STOL CH 750:

Comment by Zenith.Aero on October 7, 2011 at 2:05pm

Chuck Bodeen wrote a good article in the November 2011 issue of Kitplanes magazine: "SIM WORLD: With X-Plane, you can have the pleasure of "flying" your kitbuilt even while it is under construction."

The writer builds and flies his own virtual STOL CH 750, and provides a lot of useful information about flight simulators.

Comment by zihad mahmud on May 23, 2011 at 10:28pm
i ve installed the ch750. good airplane...congrats for the creator

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