Over the last 18 mo. since first flight, I've made a number of modifications and enhancements to my STOL CH750 such as an autopilot which has resulted in the usual weight creep that results when we can't leave things alone! ;>)
I'm currently using an Odyssey PC680 (~15 lbs) mounted on the firewall with my Jabiru 3300. This is a great battery and I have absolutely no problems with it! However, the Aerovoltz 12-cell LiFePo4 battery (2.5 lbs!!!) is looking awfully tempting because of the instant 12.5 lb weight loss! Just that one modification would probably wipe-out all the weight gain of my mods!
Just wondered if anyone has had any relatively long-term use of the battery and would appreciate their insights. I'm in a mild climate, my plane is hangared and the cowl is heated in winter, so I don't think there would be in cold-weather starting problems.
For optimal battery life, I understand balance-charging is recommended every few months and Aerovoltz sells the appropriate charger. I have a very nice balance charger already and wondered if it would be compatible. Anyone got a pic of their Aerovoltz battery showing the balance port?