Ben Knox


Wooster, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
STOL CH 701, STOL CH 750
Project Status
Nearly done
Building From
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Started Flying 1946 Have Built Four Planes, Including The First Plans Built 750

Comment Wall:

  • Bryan

    HI Bill, i would love to come see it. i'm real close to ordering the kit, i see your scratch building. I hadn't considered that option, do you have an idea how much your saving by going that route?

    thanks, bryan
  • Joe Harrington

    Hi Ben,

    I am one of six that are each scratch building 750s. I have to tell you that we (our group) arrogantly thought that we might be the first to finish scratch build a CH750. Finding your post made us realize that we won't even be close... We started the first of March and we have only completed the empanage and have just started on the flapperons.

    We agree, the plans could be better. But we are having fun and we look forward to having a capable STOL aircraft.

    Joe Harrington
  • Jimmy Young

    That's quite an accomplishment, congratulations. Please post more often about your 750 if you can!

    Jimmy Y
  • Chris Aysen

    Congratulations Ben!!! But I'm sorry to say. After about 6 months you will start getting builders withdrawls. GOOD LUCK!
  • Chris Aysen

    I finished my scratch built 701 in April 09 and enjoying the flying but experiencing bad builder's withdrawal symptoms..... I'm very interested to see how you like the 0200 on the plane. Keep in touch.
  • Paul

    Hey Ben, great to see you have finished a scratch build. Hope you enjoy. I would like to see more of your build photos if you have them.

  • Bryan

    left you a voicemail this afternoon.  you can call me back at 330-418-8135



  • Paul Bonasera

    I just saw your plane posted as compleated, congratulations!!!  I am also scratch building my 750. looks like you did make a few changes. Any real problems you had along the way? Any changes you made out of necessity? I started mine in june of 2010, so far I have a rudder, rear and front fuselage, and controls. My engine will be Lyc. 0-235 that I'm rebuilding. great to here that it can be done. HAPPY FLYING, Paul