Roger L Vavra


West Bend, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot, Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Hi Roger, How many hours on your plane and are you going to do the SAIB modifications?

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    So Roger, what attracted you to me and my plane? The paint job? The nose art? My charming swashbuckling devil may care personality?

    Seriously, what is your take on the seven fatal crashes and the SAIB etc? For the life of me, I can't see this as a threat to me and my passengers (other than possible escalation of FAA mandates). There have been and continue to be way too many XLs that are operating without incident. The design may not be robust enough to tolerate abuse, but if we don't abuse them, then what? I also built and fly a fat ultralight that won't put up with much abuse. Do I need to rebuild it also?

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Were the flaps extended or retracted at the time of the break-up?

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    I wish you speedy progress and I wish me good weather and smooth air. If the weather permits, I may fly to Tallulah, LA or to Galveston, TX next weekend. The way I look at it, I was okay with the plane when the first couple of guys crashed them. Nothing really changed when other guys broke their planes. Hell, I may break my plane, but don't you dare blame the damned plane if and when I do.

  • William Campbell

    I made a new blog, because I couldn't figure out how to make this psrt of the system work.
    It was about your O235 engine.
    I would like to hear from you if you do have anything to share about your experience with the O235.

    Bill Campbell
  • William Campbell

    I did use the lightweight starter and generator.
    I had to send my accesory case to be machined to allow me to use the mechanical fuel pump. I too like the E Mags. Easy to time and the engine stars easily. Mine is the high compression engine. I too have the SS straightpipes. The highest that I have turned the engine up to is 2300, and it was indicating 128MPH air speed. I know that it will run at 2700 easily. I had to put the battery in the tail, along with some extra weights to get it to balance.
    I am taking the wings off today.
  • William Campbell

    Using bolts sounds like a good idea. I do not like to buck rivets.---
  • Frederick

    What are you getting for short field take off and sod short field take off length of run?
  • Edward A. Hamilton

    Roger. I added comments on my site--Where are you. I'm about 30 milles north of Atlantic City. Bill Campbell is near Erie, Pa Ed Hamilton
  • Roger L Vavra

    William I live in West Bend Wi. However I fly out of the Dodge County Airport KUNU. The engine so far has been very reliable. I cruise at about 2200 rpm at 110 mph. But have not had it at 2350 rpm yet because I changed the pitch and the engine was running a little warm with the air restrictions I added to the cowling for cold weather flying. The pitch was encreased to get more mph. It lands great without the flaps. Fuel consumption is about 5 gal an hour. I use auto fuel. I have not taken off on sod yet. I am new to this blog to so I haven't figured it out also. Roger
  • David New

    Can you tell me what diamenter prop you have?
  • David New

    Hi Roger
    I have been flying my 601HDS with Subaru for 6 years now. Am going to convert to 0235 lyc.
    Was hoping to pick your brain about prop and performance. What diameter is you prop and your cruse and climb performance.