

Leander, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Less than half
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Mechcanical Designer/CAD Technican

Comment Wall:

  • John Bolding

    Paul, I'm building from plans in Baytown, RWJ Airpark, gimme a call if you need 4 hands on anything

  • John Bolding

    Using a lightened Corvair, project dormant for a yr now, hope to get back on it soon, stop by any time
  • John Bolding

    Lot's of things, nickisil cyls save 18#, another 10# or so is there if you get SERIOUS. Roy's is the only bearing I'd consider as I watched him develop it over the yrs, he's almost finished with mine now. Dan's DOES have a good track record however.
    Still sending out kits for Leonard's airplanes all over the world.
  • John Bolding

    Several years ago I talked Scott Casler into making drop in cyls for the Vair, his are billet (tube) Brady Mc Cormick has them as well but his are cast.
  • Jimmy Young

    I'm not anywhere close to flying the 750, probably 18 months away at least. I just started the fuse, have the wings & tailfeathers complete. What part of Houston are you in? My email is, cell # 832.309.1730. If I can help in any way let me know.
  • Chris Aysen

    Paul - Parts looking good. I finish scratch building my 701 in April of 09. I'm enjoying the flying now. However, I miss building and I'm currently researching my next build.
    Good luck. - Chris
  • Ernest McAlister

    Hi Paul where did you commence ie rudder tail sction ?
    when bending parts for example L section how do you get the inner bend with a slight round and sharp corner
  • Ernest McAlister

    correction to message slight round and not sharp corner bend.the kit suppliers nicely rounded bends
  • James Cameron

    Paul, I look at your photos everyday for motivation. Thanks for keeping us all up to date on the parts you're making.
  • Julio Marques Vieira

    Thank you for your attention to the project.
    I am also very happy with the progress.
    The complete set weighed 95 kilograms, now managed
    considerably reduce the weight of the engine exhaust.
    The propeller is made of wood reinforced and even very big.
    Note that the propeller hub is higher with the use of reductive.
    I will send all data and video, wait for results of further test flights.
    keep in touch and see you soon.
  • Dave Gardea

    Hi Paul, thanks for the nice comment on my Corvair. Yep, that's an Evektor Sportstar in my profile pic. I have noticed the same plane in your pic for some time and meant to send you a note about that. It's the aircraft I got current again in and have enjoyed renting. I intend to get some dual in a 601XL before I fly my plane but the SportStar has been a great plane to fly as it's performance is so close to the Zodiac. Regards / Dave
  • Ben Knox

    Paul My e mail is ben-knox @ hotmail'com
  • nelson D

    hello paul

    im also building from scratch, do you have the list of materials for the CH701 ??

  • David Farlow

    Paul, you look to be progressing well with your project.  I am trying to get my major assemblies completed so I can start to get the main airframe together.  I hope your shop has AC as I have been hearing about how hot it has been in Houston lately.