Phillip Owens


Beloit, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
retired military

Comment Wall:

  • Jonathan Porter

    Keep up the good work on the 801 - we hope to have the MoM 801 flying by early 2nd qtr 09. You are using a similar red/white color scheme to MoM - the upside is that having extensive head collisions with the slats is masked by the red! To help with your build - We could send you some warm weather if you like? Only problem is the last batch we sent got confiscated by customs and/or homeland security - apparently there are regulations about these things.
  • Chris Aysen

    Philip - Can you provide some photos on the flap/aileron trim your installing on your 801? - Chris
  • Dr. Edward L. Olds III

    Thanks for the invitation, I'll take you up on it! I'll call you to set up a visit.
  • Gene Kujawa

    Hi Phil, Thank you for the invitation. Will take advantage of your offer. Am in the Beloit area at least once a week. Will call you soon.
  • Dr. Edward L. Olds III

    Enjoyed the phone call today and it inspired me to do 3.5 hours tonight. I radiused all the corners and cleaned up the edges. Dr. Skip Pardee, an EAA friend suggested buying some Scotch Brite wheels and they really help on the clean up of edges. I'm going to try to make it over Friday AM.
  • Dustin Lobner

    Cool, thanks for the offer. Might have to take you up on that sometime!
  • Chris Aysen

    Thanks for the pictures Philip. I plan on installing one on my 701.
  • Chris Aysen

    Phillip - What did you have to do for the CG on your plane with that engine?
    -------I would venture to say you can hang it on the prop with that much power. - Chris
  • Chris Aysen

    So there must not be much of a spread between the O360 and the Jabiru 8?
  • Chris Aysen

    Thanks for the info. I just finished my 701 and love it. I'm now entertaining the thought of an 801 and did not know much about the Jabiru 8. Thanks again.
  • Jake Crause

    Thanks Phil. For some reason I did not get any standard L in the tail kit. Fortunately I have some doubler left over from when I had to re-do the rudder spar. It's a bit thicker at .032 but the zenith folks assured me it would be fine. I'm on vacation at the moment but I'll be back to building in a few days. Thanks for the tips!
  • Ben Church

    Phil, Good to hear from you. Progress for me is slow - I started a new job teaching at UW-Milwaukee this past August and it's taking more time than my previous job (but it's more fun). I did get the second wing done to the point of fitting the fuel tanks. For the winter, I'm going to try and get the flaperons and slats done. Maybe my 4-year plan for build time will get stretched by a year. But, I'm still keeping at it and having lots of fun - that's what counts.

    Your strut fairings look real nice! I also like the look of that 8-cyl Jabiru. I still need to make it out to see you.

    - Ben
  • Michael Dawson

    hi Philip, thanks for your note. Yes, I did purchase an engine for my plane, but in the time since I purchased it, our jungle airstrip has been shut down by the authorities here in Ve.(along with all the other jungle strips) My plane is here in the jungle and the engine is stuck out in town and i have not been able to get either a permit to take the plane out or the engine in. We sure do miss having airsupport though, It is a long way out to town by boat from up here. I looked at your pictures, you have a beautiful plane! Congratulations.
  • Michael Dawson

    Sorry, I just read my note and realized i failed to mention what engine i did purchase. it is a Superior 0360. Thanks again.
  • Michael Dawson

    Phillip, not exactly sure why the desicsion was made either, but all jungle airstrips have been closed. I almost think it is something as simple as wanting to save face. when missionary aviation was kicked out a promise was made by the gov to fill the void, well, they tried to, but in the first year, crashed 7 or 8 planes due to lack of training on short jungle airstrips, so the airstrips were declared unsafe and closed. go figure. anyway, Lord willing, one day things will sort out and we will be able to fly again. We just lost another baby today to malaria. I am sure his life could have been saved with a flight to town. It is really hard when we see the people suffering and knowing a simple flight most possibly could have saved it's life. Thanks for your concern.

  • Robin Boyd-Moss

    Phillip, I bought ny plane from a builder in the States and it has just arrived here in Kenya. I will certainly send you some photos when I get them. I live in the bush so wil not see the plane again until the end of the month. Do you have a contact in the factory for technical help? Regards,

  • Robin Boyd-Moss

    Phillip, Is it possible to get any information on flying the 801? If you could put me in touch with someone who has experience flying the 801 I would be most grateful. Regards, Robin
  • Jock Struthers

    Thanks for your comments on my painting blog Phillip, I left the choice of paint to my professional advisor as I indicated in my blog, sure does stink and takes a bit of cleaning up also. The respirator seems to work well as I only smell it after I have finished.

    The paint you used sounds very interesting, cheap and "clean" - I didn't come across that option during my initial research, so I will stick with the advice and paint supplied to me already. There is so much choice and technical info to understand the more you dig into it and at least I know that the system I am using is compatible and will stay on for a while - assuming good preparation of course.

    Regards, Jock Struthers, New Zealand
  • jim albee

    not has finally melted enough snow to get the 801 out for pictures...will send them...I have some down time now so will be able to figure out how to advertise the plane...I also have an instructor friend who will fly some of the hours off for me...thanks for the inquiry....Jim Albee
  • Jack Williams

    Phillip: thanks for the comment. Have been in touch woth Ben several times. He has been a great resourse! I have a friend with an E-Racer with a v-8 Ford. His radiator is mounted underneath his engine. I'm investigating this posibity. Great Cowning on your a/c. jack
  • tom

    Thank you!I am hopeing for alot of fun. I am trying to locate some plans. the originals have seem to have died with the original builder. any ideas?
  • Kenneth Aron

    I had seen the description / instructions for the "no-slot" system, but decided to go stock. I've already cut the slots in. I plan on rigging some kind of leather / synthetic "gasket" to minimize exposure, and add a drain inside the vertical rod cover.
  • Nate Hinton

    thanks for the message! I would love to come down and check out your plane! I am working on the rear fuse right now and a bit frustrated by how not square it is when I put the four sides together. I haven't opened up the holes yet and need to play with it some more.
    Did you go with the lycoming? I'm finishing my A/P testing this week and after that should have some time. Talk soon,
  • Robin Boyd-Moss


    Well done. I don't seem to be getting any closer yet- one step forward two back. Anyway will get there in the end. I look forward to hearing how your flight test goes soon. Robin.
  • William Hagood

    Thanks, Philip.  I just picked up my kit from the prior owner.  The first order of business will be an inventory and thorough review of the builders logs.  I  am excited to take on this project, and am sure I will need lots of help!  Thanks for your offer!   William
  • Robin Boyd-Moss


    I have flown my plane which is great. We are now waiting for the C of A to fly again. All seems ok I hope your plane is too.

  • Bob McDonald

    I posted pictures of a simple velcro strap that Angus Watt designed. He had a door on his CH750 open and "depart the airframe" in flight. I have pictures of this strap posted on my page (Angus doesn't take pictures). Might be helpful.?

  • Jake Reyna

    Phillip, I've been watching your cowl and exhaust development. I was looking at the photos you posted recently and was going to comment on the similarities. I'm going to modify my lower cowl and merge my exhaust cuffs with my oil cooler exhaust. This will give me a cleaner shape. We're on the same path and it does sound good ;-)

  • William Hagood

    Hello Phillip, You have mentioned to modifications to other builders that I would like more info on; the slotless flaps and the reinforced firewall/nose-gear. Can yo point me toward specifics? Thanks, William
  • Paul Sanders

    Thanks for your advice on the compressor, I'll be checking out Sears and the other stores after Christmas.

  • joshua knowles

    first flights are always a little tense..!  well done.  josh