Dave Gardea


New Palestine, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Zenith CH 650
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Your website (about your aircraft...)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
No prior building experience prior to this project
Healthcare IT consultant
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Michael Herder


    I've got tons of lessons learned for the 650 canopy, most of which were learned the hard way. Anyone interested in talking airplanes and canopy retrofit is welcome to call me. 214.364.3071.
  • Russell Bell

    Dave how it going question Dave what sort of airspeed do you get with the corvair also whats the best rate of climb there was another question I was going to ask Mmmmmmmmmm that right fuel what burn do you get at your different settings all these things depend on your prop which did you opt for mate anyway I better go to bed its 3.35 am down here talk soon regards russ
  • Jim Snyder

    Thanks for the response, Dave. What are your intentions regarding the wing mods? I know it's got to be a killer to get so close, then have to tear stuff apart. I feel for you.

  • Tom Wang

    It looks great!
  • rontheman13

    Yes it is purchased and installed. It has a very crisp picture and very easy to customize. It is set up for my Corvair engine and I was able to set the style and size of gauges and display to suit. You can look at my photos and see it installed.
    Thanks Ron
  • Jim Snyder

    Engine and cowling looks really good. You're doing a great job.

    I'm working on rear fuselage while waiting on mod kit. Probably another 6-8 weeks away.

  • Jake Reyna

    Dave, it was the first Zodiac that the DAR had inspected and he liked what he saw. We had been talking about the Upgrade before he arrived and I showed him what I had done. He didn't really focus on that issue, just did the Inspection looking for the normal stuff. As you know, I took my time on the Upgrade and did the best I could. He was pleased with my workmanship and attention to detail.

    It's good to have the Inspection out of the way. I know what I need to do, minor stuff considering what we've been through. Don't sweat the small stuff, it doesn't have to be perfect. Obtw, he is a retired FAA Inspector.

  • Jerry Latimer

    Thanks for the comments.
  • Blaine Schwartz

    I saw the Corviar engine in your plane and it looked great! I was wondering if you built the engine yourself or had WW build it? Did you use WW's parts. Any words of wisdom regarding Corvair engines? I am building a 750.
  • Andrey I. Serdyukov

    Thanks Dave! I will try to talk about my project. Sorry for the language (by Google Translator)
  • Thomas Makibbin

    Barbara Fleming was the instructor at Tulip City. She is a retired teacher instructing for fun! I drove up on a Thursday and flew all day Friday (taking several breaks). I got my Bi-annual out of the way as well. It's hard to think of things to do to eat up 5 hours of dual. It was a great experience and I couldn't have asked for better weather. I was lucky to get it all in on 1 day. I was ready to fly Friday and Saturday but as it turned out, Saturday would have been marginal at best. Good Luck. Barb's email is: bafleming@ameritech.net
  • Paul

    Hi Dave, nice to see and hear you Corvair 650. Is that plane in your profile photo an Evektor Sport Star?
  • Paul

    It is the plane I have been training in myself. I have 35 hours and should have taking my flight test, but I have been dis-tracked (obsest) with my 750 build. It has been a nice plane to fly. The school just bought a Tecnam P92 high wing. I flew it for an hour. Very nice plane also, but will fly the Sport Star for review. I am still thinking about a Corvair for my engine, but I have time :)

  • Roger E Barnes

    Dave what did you set the angle of incidence at for the stab, i have read everything from 0 to minus 4.


  • Michael Herder

    Hi Dave, on your paperwork, everythink must match perfectly with information on your data plate and anywhere else.  Hyphens, spaces, periods EVERYTHING.  FAA held up my registration paperwork for 3 weeks on account of a very minor discrepancy, it was something silly like a hyphen, or something like that.  If you can have your DAR help you fill it out, it'd be worthwhile.
  • Rod Hatcher

    Hi Dave, I to am using the 3M film.
  • Michael Herder

    Nice work Dave, CONGRATS. 


    Especially the first few hours take that cowl off and check to see what's rubbing.  I just wrapped up phase 1 here and even though I only had small changes to make, The first 15hrs of flying, I probaby spent 25 - 30 hrs tweaking things.  The next 10 hrs flown,  probably about 45 minutes or so for each hour flown, and for the past 15 hrs or so, almost nothing to tweak, just PREFLIGHT, Get in and FLY!  ENJOY!!!

  • Eric Shupperd

    Dave I live near you and would like to chat with you about your build progress. I am just starting my 601xl build and would like to talk to someone who has finished the project. My number is 765-860-0693


     Eric Shupperd

  • Frederick Schutt

    Hi Dave - Been following your discussions and blogs.  I am building a 601 and planning on a corvair engine.  Got a couple of questions for you.  Checked fit of  dual sticks and they seem to be very high to instrument panel- about 60mm up from bottom edge. I started a disussion on subject but still question length of sticks -plan to use wood grips also.

    Also have question on 5th bearing installation-Prefer to discuss this via E-mail.  My e-mail is frschu7@aol.com.


    Thanks- Fred

  • Frederick Schutt

    Hi Dave- Thanks for the quick response on the control sticks.  I was concerned because the dimensions on my sticks were a lot greater than the plan drawings.  On the 5th bearing-I was at cc#17 and decided on roy,s bearing.  Now I don't know whether it was a good idea or not.  I e-mai him -get answers like he is only a one man shop, etc. Why did you decide on dan's bearing.  And to install it- does it take any special tools or knowledge to press it onto the crank?


    Thanks again - Fred

  • Joe Zinkel

    Hi Dave,

    I might be interested in your videos, had a couple questions. I just picked up my 650 kit sat. do you know if there are any changes that the videos would not address or steer me the wrong way? Do they address the 650 canopy? Do you have the wing video? Finally would you break them up a little (don't need 912-videos or scratch building).

    Sorry for all the questions, Joe

  • Frederick Schutt

    Hi Dave

    Looks like you're having fun with your plane.  Hate to bother you but have some dumb questions. With the corvair eingine -do we need fuel primer or choke?  I'm trying to get ideas for panel placement of controls. Thinking about throttle quadrant mounted in center console since i will have dual sticks (Baxter quadrant) He needs more info from me- what is the height of your armrest pad on console? Engine question- did you use IO 10 cam- new or used?  Plan on Dan's 5th bearing with his new mfg crank- he will be starting assembly in couple of weeks.

    Thanks in advance- would like to meet you sometime -look ant your plane and burn your ears with more questions- Fred Schutt

  • Frederick Schutt

    Thanks Dave -for the info - I guess what I wanted was the thickness height ot the arm rest in your "seats" photo to try and figure vertical throttle quadrant height- I can't sit in cabin yet so I guess I'll put components on floor to get measurements.

    Have a great day - Fred

  • Lynn Dingfelder

    Hi Dave,    I too had tailwinds, though only about 15 mph, as opposed to 45 mph headwinds on the way there. A good trip, with the only bad weather right in my home area.

               I watched your Oshkosh video with great interest. It's inspiring for those of us who are more timid flyers. I hope to fly in to Osh in the future, if I can muster up the bravery.


  • Shayne McDaniel

    Dave:  I bought the 2 diodes that I used for both our planes from Digi-Key.  The part number is MBR 1060G0S-ND, diode schottky 60v, 10A T0220AC.  I ordered them from their website for $1.88 each and had them within 3 days.  I didn't see any reason to use more than 10amps and so far, I have not had any problems.  The battery I used I bought at Battery Outfitters for $27:  Model 12V 7AH SLA UB-1280.  Cranks every time!  I wouldn't have it any other way.  Best of luck!  Shayne

  • Joe Zinkel

    How much did you need to raise the back of the stabilizer to be neutral? I would like to raise it enough so a little less then max trim would be needed, I was thinking about 1 degree.


  • Doug Eaton

    Hi Dave,

    I'm new to the group. Just finished the rudder school with my wife at Quality Sport Planes in Cloverdale,Ca. I have located a Corvair engine core in Medford, Or. I live in Redding,Ca.

    I plan on building the WW 3 liter engine right by the book with the 2nd gen Dan Bearing. 

    We had a chance to fly a 601 at QSP. I found the aircraft difficult to see out of and the nose position at landing really blanks out the view of the runway as you touch down.

    Doug Dugger the owner of QSP has explained that the 650 has addressed many of the shortcomings of the 601. Great people by the way at QSP. We are lucky to have met them.

    Dave, I was hoping you could take a minute or so and give me your impression so far of the 650 Corvair combination and some of the basic info.. IE.. Empty Weight, Cruising Speed, Average Climb with one and two on board. Visibility at cruise, vs on final over the numbers, fuel burn at cruising speed.

    Dave, what is your opinion of the Corvair engine now that you have really put some time on the engine. The idea of the engine really makes sense to me, but the proof is in the hours spent behing that spinning prop.

    I am asking you because you seem to have flown a lot more hours than most since the time you have flown off your 40 hours. This really gives you an edge on knowing the aircraft and all of its plusses and minuses as all aircraft have them.

    Thank you in advance for your time. By the way, congratulations on the incredible accomplishment of constructing your own bird.

    Doug Eaton

  • Doug Eaton

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for your input and your enthusiasm! Yes, I am going to contact Woody Harris, the West Coast rep for William. He lives about 180 miles south of me. I have also contacted two other individuals in California and Oregon who have a long standing relationship with William. 

    Thanks for the stats on your 601. Getting 5 gph at 115 mph is about as good as the new fangled "computer engines". This says alot about the engine and as well the quality of the work that went in to the modification of the engine to flight status

    Can't wait to get going on mine!


  • Larry Winger

    Thanks for the time aloft in your beautiful CH 650/Corvair combo.  It was great meeting you and getting some stick time as I move toward my airworthiness inspection.  You should be proud of your finished airplane.  Exceptional craftsmanship and a real delight to fly.